Darren - Active Billing
darren at activebilling.com.au
Sat May 7 04:42:31 CDT 2011
Hi guys I keep getting stack overflow errors - need help We are creating XML files via some other process (Not Access) and I just want to count them during the process. I need to do it continually until the desired no of files is reached. I am building a progress bar around this file creation process and on some occasions we build thousands of files and it can take some time. Of course I could sit there and watch the file count grow in an Explorer window. But like I said this process can take ages. Application.FileSearch won't work in Access 2010 so I can't use that (I have a mix of 2003 and 2010 access versions). Most of the code I have found on the interweb does the job but I eventually run into stack overflows. Here's a sample of one way that does work but eventually it overflows. Private Sub f_fileCount(strPathFolder as string) Dim f As String Dim c As Long f = Dir$(strPathFolder & "*.xml") Do While Len(f) <> 0 c = c + 1 f = Dir$ Loop End sub I have also tried the FSO and that too (eventually) gave Stack Overflow errors. I had it in mind to test the file count using the time say every 5-10 seconds to update the progress bar. But it looks like this is not going to be possible Anyone done this sort of thing before? Any pointers? Thanks heaps in advance team Darren