jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon May 23 15:23:02 CDT 2011
LOL, Access security is a kludge. By definition anything attempting to do this is a kludge since there is no direct method of doing so. I am reasonably certain I could work around this specific problem by doing things in specific order, Setting the code password then setting the AllowBypassKey true, setting the code password then setting the code password then setting the AllowBypassKey false. I am really trying to leave my dev copies totally unprotected but when I copy set all of the protection on them. As far as AutoIT goes, I try very hard to keep my Access manipulation tools developed inside of Access itself since it understands the target Access container and it contains native database objects for storing state and stuff, and native interface objects for displaying said state. Not to mention "starting from scratch" learning an obviously capable and powerful (and thus complex) system. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com On 5/23/2011 3:08 PM, Stuart McLachlan wrote: > Like I said just now - it's a kludge. It only works under certain conditions, and is certainly not > a foolproof technique for setting/unsetting PW protection on code :-( > >