jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon May 30 20:15:26 CDT 2011
Mark, > I also used a program named ClickYes<http://www.contextmagic.com/express-clickyes/> a few years ago. And that works well when it works well. In our case every time we accessed any (or many) of the objects such as folders and the subject property of the email that warning would pop up. Unfortunately ClickYes can't click until the button becomes enabled, so if you have that thing popping up 4 or 5 times for everything you are trying to process... We made a business decision that avoiding Outlook entirely was a better fit. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com On 5/30/2011 3:52 AM, Mark Breen wrote: > Hello John, > > I also used a program named > ClickYes<http://www.contextmagic.com/express-clickyes/> a > few years ago. > > It gave me an irrational pleasure that we could so easily overcome the silly > dialogbox MS put in the way. > > Click yes, appears to be the same concept at Outlook evader. > > Mark