David McAfee
davidmcafee at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 10:56:19 CDT 2011
I tried all of that, I even put debug.print statements in all of the control events and in various subs that were being called. I found that the condition would occur when the path was taken along the first half of the IF statement. I was able to replicate this problem on another computer using A2003. I changed the code to open a recordset, rather than selecting a row in the listbox and reading values from hidden columns and it now works. Looks like a bug in 2003 that was fixed in 2007. This code works: DoCmd.SetWarnings False Me.lstModelSumm.RowSource = "EXEC dbo.stpSelectTempMach 0" Me.lstPoResults.RowSource = "EXEC dbo.stpPurchasedMachinesByPO '" & Me.txtTranNo & "'" DoCmd.SetWarnings True Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset 'Call the stored procedure, passing it the parameter, returning recordset rs CurrentProject.Connection.stpPurchasedMachinesByPO IIf(Nz(Me.txtTranNo, "") = "", 0, Me.txtTranNo), rs 'Fill in the fields from the returned recordset If Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF Then 'code below is the same as sub: PopulateFields Me.txtVendorCode = RTrim(Nz(rs![vendor_code], "")) Me.txtVendorName = Nz(rs![vendor_name], "") Me.txtTranDate = rs![po_date] Me.txtPoStatus = Nz(rs![po_status], "") Me.txtQty = Nz(rs![Qty], 0) Me.txtCostBasis = Nz(rs![CostBasis], 0) Me.txtModel = RTrim(Nz(rs![ItemNo], "")) Me.txtModelID = Nz(rs![ModelID], "") Me.cboLocationKey = CInt(Nz(rs![LocKeyID], "0")) Call cboLocationKey_Change Me.lstModelSumm.RowSource = "EXEC dbo.stpSelectTempMach 1" Me.cmdEnterSN.Enabled = CanAddAnotherMachine() Else 'No records were returned for given tran no MsgBox "The PO number you entered did not return any records", vbOKOnly, "Invalid PO" Call ClearEntryFields End If rs.Close Set rs = Nothing On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Charlotte Foust <charlotte.foust at gmail.com>wrote: > Is this the only user or just the only one having problems? Is there a > copy of the ADP on her box or is she accessing it from a network site? If > the app is on her machine, have you done a decompile and recompile on the > app? Once in a while breakpoints will get stuck and only recompiling will > get rid of them. If you comment out all the code in that routine but leave > the shell, does the application run without an error? Is the next control > in the tab order one of the two you're resetting the rowsource on? > > Charlotte Foust >