jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Nov 12 15:31:03 CST 2011
Of course had I used VMWare as the hypervisor none of this would be a problem... John W. Colby Colby Consulting Reality is what refuses to go away when you do not believe in it On 11/12/2011 4:16 PM, Mark Simms wrote: > The only problem with open source: > Are you going to get the requisite and timely support needed to be > competitive ? > Of course, you can fix things yourself....but then when the next major build > is released.... > you've got to retrofit your mods. Now if that isn't shades of Sisyphus, I > don't know what is. > In that case, with every new release, you're climbing back up that > mountain....retrofitting, recompiling, retesting, and on and on it goes. > > MSFT and the licensing cost can be a burden, but the support is pretty darn > good...if you know where to look....and who to contact. > That being said, for all those interested, I finally determined that many > major bugs in Office 2010 have been addressed in a November 2011 set of > hot-fixes and updates. The latest release number for Access 2010 and Excel > 2010 is 14.0.6112.5000. > The big one: VBA corruption is no longer an issue. > Is anyone cheering ? > > >