Darryl Collins
darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
Mon Oct 3 20:48:24 CDT 2011
Well, The story so far... <http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-NZ/windowsgeneraldevelopmentissu es/thread/280de88a-77dd-455e-9797-b28928206e38> In short. You can download a beta version of W8 which has this issue fully resolved (well, according to MS anyway, although the comments from others seem encouraging at least). They are in the crapper with this one and what to do with SP1 on W7. They are aware it is a major screw up which has impacted many high value customers big time and seem unclear on the best way to resolve it. Good news is for the first time there are hints of the fix being rolled out via a service pack, probably an updated SP1 as there is no release schedule for SP2 yet. Bad news is it seems to be scheduled for next year at the earliest. Given the issue first came to light around Jan 2011, it is hardly an stellar response from MS. They do admit it is a tricky and complex thing to fix, but you really would have thought this issue would have been indentified during pre-release testing. Frankly, downloading a beta version of W8 into a virtual environment is hardly a decent fix right now for most folks.... Anyway... Darryl Collins Whittle Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 8, 660 Canterbury Rd Surrey Hills, VIC, 3127 e: <mailto:darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au> darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au w: <http://www.whittleconsulting.com.au/> www.whittleconsulting.com.au