jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Sep 1 09:25:03 CDT 2011
For production databases I like to hide all the objects in the design window by setting the property to hidden. In the properties window (Tools / options / View) I then uncheck Hidden Objects and System Objects. This just adds another level of obsfucation to the database for the average user. I did this and everything was copacetic. And then... I run one (several actually) of my databases under 2007 runtime and this database was giving me that crash I discussed awhile back. I ended up having to import everything into a new database and in doing so the hidden attribute of everything was set to visible. I don't have any code to set that property true / false for every object so I thought I'd ask before I go write one. So, does anyone have code to set the Hidden property of the database objects (tables, forms etc)? -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com