[AccessD] MySQL: First table migrated (sorta)

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Sep 23 11:55:04 CDT 2011

I used method 2 of this:


to migrate my first table from Access to MySQL.  It created the table structure and moved the data. 
  Very cool.

I am not yet even minimally conversant in any MySQL environment that allows me to see / modify the 
structure in a gui so I am flying blind.  I had high hopes for Wampserver but there are a few things 
to figure out there before I will be able to use that.

Anyway, this method did not make the PKID a key.  I am not yet able to see the data types, whether 
it made the PKID an autoincrement, whether it will pick up on the next number and so forth, but the 
data moved and that all by itself is huge.

John W. Colby

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