[AccessD] Ambiguous Name

Kenneth Ismert kismert at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 13:25:07 CDT 2011


Ken Ismert:
> ...
> The question remains: is there any way to enforce safe global value
> modification in VBA, except by employing Gustav's discipline?

Thinking about this further, I have come up with two approaches that could

1. Use messaging. In this scenario, no global parameters are kept at all.
All objects communicate by sending messages to one another in a standardized
way. The sender is always identified. Receivers can then decide who to
ignore, and who to listen to.

2. Use a listener 'static class'. Some object requests to be the 'speaker',
first-come, first-served. Once accepted, only the speaker can set parameters
for the rest. Sample code:

Option Explicit

' module MTestListener
Private Const ML_ERR_SPEAKER As Long = -2147213504 ' 8000 + vbObjectError
Private mlPtr As Long     ' ObjPtr(Nothing) = 0

Public Sub ListenToMe(ByVal rSpeaker As Object)
    If mlPtr = 0 Then
        ' setting mlPtr does not increment the object's
        ' reference count, so the object can close normally
        mlPtr = ObjPtr(rSpeaker)
        Err.Raise ML_ERR_SPEAKER, "MTestListener.ListenToMe", _
            "Sorry, listening to Object at " & mlPtr
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub IgnoreMe(ByVal rSpeaker As Object)
    If ObjPtr(rSpeaker) = mlPtr Then
        mlPtr = 0
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub SetParameter(ByVal rSpeaker As Object, sName As String, vValue As
    ' must match speaker, and not be nothing
    If (ObjPtr(rSpeaker) = mlPtr) And (mlPtr <> 0) Then
        ' set global parameter sName = vValue
        Err.Raise ML_ERR_SPEAKER, "MTestListener.SetParameter", _
            "Sorry, listening to Object at " & mlPtr
    End If
End Sub

Public Function GetParameter(sName As String) As Variant
    ' anybody can get a parameter
End Function

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