[AccessD] What is a site handle?

Darryl Collins darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
Tue Apr 24 01:22:19 CDT 2012

The only thing I have dug up which seems vaguely relevant is this from Sybase...

<< http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.infocenter.dc32702.1502/html/omni_ug/omni_ug69.htm>>

I guess the question you could ask if they are running Sybase or not?

Dunno, it is a tricky one, although the fact bugger all comes up on Google suggest to me it would be worth asking them for more details.

Good luck

-----Original Message-----
From: henrik.carlstrom at comhem.se [mailto:henrik.carlstrom at comhem.se] 
Sent: Tuesday, 24 April 2012 4:15 PM
To: Darryl Collins
Subject: Ang: RE: Re: What is a site handle?


I guess a site handler is some webadministration meaning ASP (Active Server
Pages) running VB-scripts in reponse to user requests on the web, These scripts retrieves data from some database and outputs data to Excel sheets. This process is some administration of userrequests on the web. That is administration on the site. Thats could be called site handler?


>----Ursprungligt meddelande----
>Från: darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
>Datum: 2012/04/24 01:39
>Till: "henrik.carlstrom at comhem.se"<henrik.carlstrom at comhem.se>
>Ärende: RE: Re: What is a site handle?
>It might be the advert is wrong.  I have seen a lot of job adds that 
obvious errors in them as the person writing down the details isn't a tech person and get stuff wrong.  Their database sounds like it is called the "Site Handler" - Lord knows what it actually is?  SQL Server, Access, Oracle?  
Usually the front end staff have no idea or the engine doing the grunt work and they just call the system a name - Plenty of SAP databases are called what they do, rather than what they are.  Actually there were plenty of systems called "Darryl's Database" too at places I have worked.  I am sure that name was dropped after I left, but hey....
>I would call them and ask them to clarify.  No harm in that, if 
>anything it
shows them you have initiative and are proactive in solving problems.
>A couple of examples I have seen is "Any C" rather than "NEC".  "Use 
Access the Database" rather than" Use an Access Database" etc.  Oh there have been plenty of others as well....
>-----Original Message-----
>From: MS Excel General Q & A List [mailto:EXCEL-G at PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM] 
Behalf Of henrik.carlstrom at comhem.se
>Sent: Monday, 23 April 2012 8:23 PM
>Subject: Ang: Re: What is a site handle?
>No the job decription was in english from the beginning for me. But 
before me might have translated wrong.
>I googled on site handler byt found no meaningful answer. I also tried 
place handler.
>From before I know there are code within some webpages that can do 
>things like
fetch a record from a database and display it on a new webpage.
>>----Ursprungligt meddelande----
>>Från: bob.phillips at DSL.PIPEX.COM
>>Datum: 2012/04/23 11:31
>>Ärende: Re: What is a site handle?
>>Sounds like that is just the name of the database, the ne you will query.
>>Are you sure something hasn't been lost in the translation?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: MS Excel General Q & A List 
>>On Behalf Of henrik.carlstrom at comhem.se
>>Sent: 23 April 2012 09:14
>>Subject: What is a site handle?
>>Hi all
>>I am to apply for an Excel job that deals with a site handler.
>>What is a site handle?
>>My understanding so far is that a sitehandler administrates a website 
>>direct to underlying webserver where the database or Excel files 
>>resides. But is the sitehandler just a function within another tool 
>>like Dreamweaver or is it a tool itself?
>>Job description is
>>We are looking for two administrators that speak Swedish and are "gurus" 
>>(experts) in Excel. The client needs help to update Site handler (a 
>>database), take out reports and run scripts. Help the client to 
>>prepare status reports and change orders. Coordinate the ASP 
>>engineers, answer calls from them when they arrive to site and provide them with integrators.
>>--- The EXCEL-G list is hosted on a Windows 2003 Server running L-Soft 
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>>--- The EXCEL-G list is hosted on a Windows 2003 Server running L-Soft 
>>international's LISTSERV(R) software.  For subscription/signoff info 
>>and archives, see http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/excel-g.html
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>--- The EXCEL-G list is hosted on a Windows 2003 Server running L-Soft
international's LISTSERV(R) software.  For subscription/signoff info and archives, see http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/excel-g.html.
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