Darryl Collins
darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
Tue Apr 24 19:28:26 CDT 2012
(xposted with Excel-L) Wow... I have a trusty HP desktop, which has worked flawlessly for about 4 years now out of the box. This machine is on for most of the day and night, most days and nights. It is basically the family PC in the lounge room. Last night I was at home listening to music on iTunes thru the headphones when I noticed some of the tracks in the list started to flag themselves as unavailable - What the??? Went to the desktop so I could check the folder and stacks of Icons are now missing, - there were there not 10 mins ago. I check the folders - stacks of files were missing. I immediately shut down the whole system, rebooted and the icons and files were still missing. Ran a system restore which got back the programs and their icons, but gobs of data had been deleted. Luckily I have pretty good backups of my data, and I have also found some software that seems to be able to restore most (if not all of the) deleted data from the existing drive. My question is WTF happened. It was almost like one of those virus's from the mid 90's that kids used to write - You know "Delete all jpgs and mp3". Actually it was wiping a whole stack of stuff. I am pretty tempted to wipe the drive and reinstall from scratch. First I will see if I can recover the system. It is weird. Bookmarks from the brower, shortcut buttons etc were also all wiped. Never seen anything like it... Anyone got any suggestions? Cheers Darryl.