Darryl Collins
darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
Wed Aug 29 19:39:08 CDT 2012
Hi guys n girls, I had come across this a couple of times before, but as I was in a hurry I just imported all the objects into a new db and the problem went away. Today I go the error again, a seemingly random issue where the DB will work fine, but then you get a "File Not Found" error (but nothing else) and the VBE will pop open. Now the error won't go away and you always get it when you try to access the code. Several people via Google have mentioned the suspect seems to be when you have a VBA Module that is fully commented out. And this would certainly be consistent with my experience as well. Trouble is, I have not been able to reproduce this behaviour intentionally. Indeed it seems to be rather random. This morning had a DB that was functioning perfectly well for days, when suddenly the "File Not Found" error came up and it was cactus. There was a legacy commented out module in that file though - had been there for many days and hadn't caused a problem. Anyway, if you get this error importing all the objects (sans the offending module) into a new workbook does fix it. (actually even importing the suspect module will fix it, but for how long?). Going to run this now with all commented out modules removed and see if it fails again sometime in the future or not.... Perhaps not the most concise or accurate bit of info, but it might save one of you some headaches if you get this error pop up. Cheers Darryl. Darryl Collins Whittle Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 8, 660 Canterbury Rd Surrey Hills, VIC, 3127 p: +61 3 9898 3242 m: +61 418 381 548 f: +61 3 9898 1855 e: darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au<mailto:darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au> w: www.whittleconsulting.com.au<http://www.whittleconsulting.com.au/>