[AccessD] Windows 8 Tablet and Access/Office 2010

Charlotte Foust charlotte.foust at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 13:24:51 CST 2012

I bought myself a new Samsung Tablet PC with Windows 8 and I'm sure glad I
didn't upgrade my laptop!  Once you get used to Win 8, it's not completely
awful, but the desktop screams for a mouse and keyboard.  The virtual
keyboard works fine in the Metro UI, but it's very awkward in desktop and
you still need a mouse unless you know a LOT of keyboard shortcuts that are
less than easily memorized.  I like the bluetooth mouse and keyboard
options but I wrestled with the darn thing for a week before I bought those.

It's painfully slow to download Office to the tablet and when I did, I
discovered that even though the license allowed me to install on up to 3
devices, the tablet wouldn't accept the product key used for the computer!
 Microsoft help pointed at the computer OEM (not Samsung) and the OEM told
me to call Microsoft.  GRRrrrrrrrrr  I finally bought a new copy of Access
and downloaded and installed that.  I'd still like to install Office on
there (I think), at least Word and Excel, but I'm not sure the tablet is up
to the load.  Any suggestions or insight?  I hate breaking new ground like


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