Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Sun Feb 19 16:18:07 CST 2012
I sympathize with you on this, and agree whole-heartedly. Here in Ontario, almost no one is requesting new Access apps; rather the few that are requesting want some existing app migrated to some newer version of Office/Access/Excel, and to ensure that it works when they pull the plug on winXP and replace it with win7. The up-side, if there is any, is that you can double your rates by delivering a C# app instead. Thank the Lord that many companies poo-poo Access and even VB.NET; for some ignorance-based reason, which we might be thankful for: there exist several translators that inhale VB.NET code and exhale C#.NET code, so even if you don't know much about C# but do know something about VB.NET, then you can write in your language and translate it to upscale clients. This is not the ideal path, but it will enable you to get comfortable with the changes in syntax. That said, there are several significant areas in C# that have no VB equivalents, so if you need them, you're on your own. But the converse is untrue: everything that can be done in VB.NET can be done in C#. What is sadly lacking, from the POV of Access developers looking to graduate, is Step By Step tutorials that guide one into the transition. The Northwind.NET initiative, whose primary contributors are the esteemed Shamil and Gustav, falls seriously short of this requirement. That is most emphatically NOT to slam their initiative, but rather to say that it goes too far too quickly, and leaves the novice in the dust: so many assemblies, so few instructions or guidelines justifying their existence or necessity. As I plod through this stuff, I am simultaneously writing a tut that with luck will elucidate the path that an Access developer should take into this new world. This tut will involve every mis-step I made along the way, and with luck, will provide a path from a simple two-table app to a 200-table app. As for cloud, I remain in the Nay Nay Nay camp, until proven otherwise, for several reasons, the most significant of which is performance depending upon one's connection/speed. I have a slow connection and remain to stay that way, so I can test the bottom-end, and let me say, the Bottom End sucks! Maybe it's nice on the top end, I wouldn't know. A.