[AccessD] Problem with printing multiple reports

Jim Hewson jm.hwsn at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 09:36:46 CDT 2012

Well - how about that!
I think I found the problem...
Kb 927536 says it's a "feature"... "Access 2007 may close unexpectedly when
you try to change the Control Source property for a control that is on a
report or on a form in Layout view"
That's exactly what I'm trying to do... and if the report is the same one
that will be reprinted for the second time with a different control
source... Access does indeed crash.
The workaround according to the KB.... "change the *Control
Source*property for a control when the report or the form is in Design
How is that helpful?

Gotta love it...

Sorry - I wasted your time.


On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 9:14 AM, Jim Hewson <jm.hwsn at gmail.com> wrote:

> Warning - this is rather long.
> Windows 7, Access 2007 -- This database has always been in A2007 - so it
> was never upgraded to a newer version.
> What I'm trying to do is print several reports using a button on a pop up
> (modal) form.  The form is opened from a button on another form.  Behind
> that form is a master form that stores pertinent data for doing several
> things and is kept open during the entire session.
> The database is used as a survey questionnaire.  The researcher can can
> change questions (text, responses, order, question type, etc.), assign
> questions to sections (max 25), assign variables and question coding .
> Sections can be ordered in any way the researcher deems necessary.
> The reason I want to print multiple reports is that each section is a
> separate report and I want to print the entire questionnaire instead of
> printing one section at a time.  The current questionnaire has 18 sections
> and therefore has 18 reports to be printed.  All reports have sub-reports.
> Some have sub or sub-sub-reports - depending on the section critieria.
> The print questionnaire form works -- IF it is opened from the navigation
> pane.  If it is opened by the button on the form - it crashes Access and
> closes the file. The message I get is "Microsoft Office Access has stopped
> working  Window can try to recover your information and restart the
> program"  My one choice is to "Restart the program".  It prints the first
> section.
> The original code had a DAO recordset that used a query as a record
> source.  With the recordset, I had a Do While ... Loop to find the specific
> section and report that needed to be printed in order.  I used a DLookup
> function to find the report needed and then a select Case to find the
> specific report name.  The where clause was in the Loop because it changed
> for each report.  At the end just before the Loop, I had a rsPrint.MoveNext.
> It appeared that the .MoveNext was the issue because that's where it would
> crash.
> So... I read somewhere that maybe the .MoveNext might be culprit and that
> maybe changing the order of events might work... it didn't.  I also read
> somewhere that maybe I need to put in .MoveFirst and .MoveLast at the
> beginning... didn't work... either before the With rsPrint statement or
> after the statement and before the Loop... didn't work.  On this forum, I
> read that maybe I need to validate .BOF = False Or .EOF = False in an If
> statement and them go on with the Loop.... didn't work.
> I read that maybe the entire Loop thing was the problem... or even the
> Select Case was the issue... or the domain funtions... eliminated them...
> didn't work.
> I redid the form... it had hidden fields which populated on loading that
> had the criteria for the where clause and the specific report needed.  So
> all I needed to do was call the field for the Where clause and the
> report... didn't work.
> I thought maybe it might be the pop up or modal status was the issue...
> nope, still crashed.
> After everything I've done.... I finally come to conclusion that it's
> crashing just after DoCmd.OpenReport statement... the first report prints
> but it ALWAYS crashes and doesn't get to the next line.
> Where can I go from here?  Am I stuck telling my users that they can only
> print one section at a time?
> Thanks in advance for any insight you have.
> Jim

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