[AccessD] DataGrid control (cont.)

Stephen Bond stephen at bondsoftware.co.nz
Sun Mar 11 01:13:59 CST 2012

"If adding in the DGC, in the modules, doesn't work try unregistering
reregistering the DGC at the command prompt."

Jim, can you step-by-step this for me please.  Deconstructing the DGC is
proving a nightmare.  All this works fine on my development computer,
but not on customer site.

Stephen Bond

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Jim Lawrence
Sent: Tuesday, 21 February 2012 4:16 p.m.
To: Stephen
Subject: Re: [AccessD] DataGrid control (cont.)

Hi Steve:

Does DataGrid control even work at all in the newer Access? Does it have
be "added-in"? Is the Active-X control still working in the new
Have you tested both DataGrid controls and the ADO.Recordsets

If adding in the DGC, in the modules, doesn't work try unregistering and
reregistering the DGC at the command prompt.

It may not solve your problem but at least you can isolate the issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Stephen Bond
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 10:33 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] DataGrid control (cont.)

Good question Stuart.  Like you, I've eschewed the Microsoft 'latest
fad' over the years, usually.  In this case I was experimenting (years
ago) with ADO and DataGrids in A2K, and it just kinda stayed on in the
app.  Bad choice, huh?  I've been trying a few things in the past few
days from various MS sources (mostly contradictory).  Looks like the
quickest solution will be to go back to vanilla. 

Stephen Bond

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Stuart
Sent: Monday, 20 February 2012 1:31 p.m.
To: Stephen
Subject: Re: [AccessD] DataGrid control (cont.)

Can't help with your query.

But out of curiosity,  why are you using a datagrid in preference to a
subform in datasheet 


On 20 Feb 2012 at 13:03, Stephen Bond wrote:

> Here's the whole Sub if that helps:
> ================================================
> Sub FillGridSpecificJobObservations(ByVal pk)
> Dim strSQL As String
>   Set rs = New ADOdb.Recordset
>   Set rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
>   rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
>   rs.LockType = adLockReadOnly
>   rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
>   strSQL = "SELECT qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.JobId, " & _
>                    "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.ObservationId AS ObsId, "
> _
>                    "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.ObserverName AS
> " & _
>                    "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.ObserverDate AS
> " & _
>                    "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.ObserverTime AS ObsTime, "
> _
>                    "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.Shift, " & _
>                    "qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.Id"
>   strSQL = strSQL & " FROM qryEquipmentRegisterRHS "
>   strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE qryEquipmentRegisterRHS.JobId = " & pk &
>   rs.Open strSQL
>   rs.Sort = "ObsId Asc"
>   SortAsc = True
>   Set Me.DataGridSpecificJobObservations.DataSource = rs   '  <---
> runtime error on this line
>   Me.DataGridSpecificJobObservations.Refresh
>   Set dg = Me.DataGridSpecificJobObservations
>   dg.Font.Size = 8
>   dg.RecordSelectors = False
>   dg.Columns(0).Width = 0     ' JobId
>   dg.Columns(1).Width = 500   ' ObservationId
>   dg.Columns(2).Width = 1800  ' Name
>   dg.Columns(3).Width = 1000  ' Date
>   dg.Columns(4).Width = 800   ' Time
>   dg.Columns(5).Width = 450   ' Shift (was S or U)
>   dg.Columns(6).Width = 0     ' Id
>  ' dg.Columns(5).NumberFormat = "currency"
>   dg.Columns(3).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
>   dg.Columns(4).NumberFormat = "hh:nn"
>   dg.Columns(3).Alignment = 2
>   dg.Columns(4).Alignment = 2
>   dg.Columns(5).Alignment = 2
>   dg.MarqueeStyle = 3
>   If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
>  '   Me.Toolbar1.Buttons("Edit").Enabled = False
>   Else
>   '  Me.Toolbar1.Buttons("Edit").Enabled = True
>   End If
> End Sub
> =================================
> -- 
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