[AccessD] Blatt or other email

Jim Lawrence accessd at shaw.ca
Wed May 23 00:09:47 CDT 2012

Hi John:

Thanks for posting your working results. 

Can I assume, given the credentials you supplied, you would like us test it
for you? ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 11:33 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Blatt or other email

This is the Blat initialization code in Access.

strMail = strMail & " " & strRecipientList

strMail = strMail & " -f " & Chr(34) & strFrom & Chr(34)
strMail = strMail & " -from " & Chr(34) & strFromName & Chr(34)
strMail = strMail & " -org " & Chr(34) & "Your Organization HERE" & Chr(34)

strMail = strMail & " -HostName " & Chr(34) & "HOSTPC" & Chr(34)
strMail = strMail & " -x " & Chr(34) & "X-INFO: BLAT Message" & Chr(34)

strMail = strMail & " -noh"
strMail = strMail & " -noh2"
strMail = strMail & " -log " & Chr(34) & ShortPath(CurrentProject.Path &
"\BlatLOG.txt") & Chr(34)

strMail = strMail & " -server " & Chr(34) & "" & Chr(34)
strMail = strMail & " -port 587"
strMail = strMail & " -u jwcolby"
strMail = strMail & " -pw !mmdrnfvs12@"
strMail = strMail & " -try 3"
strMail = strMail & " -debug"

'Actual location of BLAT
ShellWait CurrentProject.Path & "\blat.exe" & " - " & strMail & " -body " &
Chr(34) & strBody & 
Chr(34), vbHide

John W. Colby
Colby Consulting

Reality is what refuses to go away
when you do not believe in it

On 5/21/2012 5:07 PM, Jim Lawrence wrote:
> Hi John:
> First thing that must happen is that either BLAT must be in the path or
> address must be specified. (It does not use the registry as a pointer)
> Second thing, is that the computer on which it is running must have
> capabilities and an appropriate ISP provider.
> Below is a copy of one line that I use from an overnight backup process
> which informs me of a process failure as well as the companies manager.
> blat C:\temp\bkupfail.html -to accessd at shaw.ca -bcc dogbert at shawlink.ca
> I put the BLAT exe in the computers " C:\WINDOWS\system32 " directory so
> application is always in the path, I am sending myself a web page, called
> bkupfail.html ", listing the errors, to both myself " accessd at shaw.ca "
> to the company's manager " dogbert at shawlink.ca " (not the real name).
> Here is a slightly more complex batch I build and run from an Access DB.
> Blat is not on the server but there is a copy on every computer as a
> different company does this client's server management, as all the
> are set for continuous backup (don't look at me talk to the server
> I push the product up into memory and set it to run five tries (It will
> trying until it succeeds or six trys is attempted, incase multiple events
> cause instability, attach an invoice PDF file, send the file to the client
> and the office accountant and track the transaction through a local file
> called "mail.log". Note: I use the ISPs mail server is "
> shawmail.gv.shawcable.net " as I do not want the local exchange server to
> control the output.
> "C:\Temp\PDFFiles\Blat.exe" -install shawmail.gv.shawcable.net
> dilbertconstruction at dilbert.ca 5
> "C:\Temp\PDFFiles\Blat.exe" C:\temp\PDFFiles\Invoices\temp.txt -subject
> Invoice 1334 from Project 655" -attach
> "C:\temp\PDFFiles\Invoices\Invoice1334.pdf" -to filbertgrape at shaw.ca -from
> dilbertconstruction at dilbert.ca -server shawmail.gv.shawcable.net
> "C:\Temp\PDFFiles\Blat.exe" C:\temp\PDFFiles\Invoices\temp.txt -subject
> Invoice 1334 from Project 655  Duplicate copy" -attach
> "C:\temp\PDFFiles\Invoices\Invoice1334.pdf" -to accountant at dilbert.ca
> dilbertconstruction at dilbert.ca -log mail.log -debug -timestamp  -server
> shawmail.gv.shawcable.net
> You can also use text files if you are sending out copies to multiple
> addresses.
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 10:39 AM
> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Blatt or other email
> I am trying to use this and getting this in the blat error file:
> 2012.05.21 13:33:56 (Mon)------------Start of Session-----------------
> Blat v3.0.3 (build : May 15 2012 01:53:41)
> 32-bit Windows, Full, Unicode
> <<<getline<<<  220 mx.google.com ESMTP d10sm34405147anm.17
>   >>>putline>>>  EHLO HOSTPC
> <<<getline<<<  250-mx.google.com at your service, []
> <<<getline<<<  250-SIZE 35882577
> <<<getline<<<  250-8BITMIME
> <<<getline<<<  250-STARTTLS
> <<<getline<<<  250 ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
> Sending stdin.txt to MyPersonalTestAddr at gmail.com
> Subject: testing blay
> Login name is MyPersonalTestAddr at gmail.com
> Try number 1 of 3.
>   >>>putline>>>  AUTH LOGIN
> <<<getline<<<  530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
> d10sm34405147anm.17
> *** Warning ***  The SMTP server does not require AUTH LOGIN.
> *** Warning ***  Are you sure server supports AUTH?
>   >>>putline>>>  MAIL FROM:<MyPersonalTestAddr at gmail.com>
> <<<getline<<<  530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
> d10sm34405147anm.17
> *** Error ***  The SMTP server does not like the sender name.
> *** Error ***  Have you set your mail address correctly?
>   >>>putline>>>  QUIT
> <<<getline<<<  221 2.0.0 closing connection d10sm34405147anm.17
> 2012.05.21 13:34:05 (Mon)-------------End of Session------------------
> Anyone up to helping with this?
> John W. Colby
> Colby Consulting
> Reality is what refuses to go away
> when you do not believe in it
> On 5/21/2012 11:28 AM, David McAfee wrote:
>> IIRC Francisco had a sample database on Roger Carlson's website.
>> Yup, here it is
> c5-f3c2z7f1-663b8ez5-d8b496z1.html
>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 6:53 AM,
> jwcolby<jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com>wrote:
>>> Does anyone have a "plug and play" library for an email package other
> than
>>> Outlook?  I need to send email with attachments.  I am hoping that
> someone
>>> has written a module for Access which I can just drop in, place a dll or
>>> something in a known location and start sending email.
>>> --
>>> John W. Colby
>>> Colby Consulting
>>> Reality is what refuses to go away
>>> when you do not believe in it
>>> --
>>> AccessD mailing list
>>> AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
> rs.com/mailman/listinfo/accessd>
>>> Website:
> http://www.databaseadvisors.**com<http://www.databaseadvisors.com>

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