jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Nov 27 11:49:20 CST 2012
Hey! I happen to be an astrological Scientologist. ;) John W. Colby Colby Consulting Reality is what refuses to go away when you do not believe in it On 11/27/2012 12:09 PM, Arthur Fuller wrote: > Reminds me of a very old joke or three, and before you reply to this, let's > start a new thread on the subject. The old joke (or more accurately, > T-shirt or license-plate sticker, is this: > > *Real programmers don't use compilers; they write compilers.* > > Which excludes me and most of the people on this list, I suspect. But come > next U of T semester, now that I have discovered that U of T allows senior > citizens free tuition, I plan to enroll in a course in compiler > construction. I have a bold old concept for a programming language. > Tentatively it's called Chomsky, and it does what you meant, not what you > wrote. Tough nut to crack, I admit, but as I grow Older I also grow Bolder, > just like a waving flag! (A song by a Canadian called K'naan, which became > the last World Cup (football) song; see > https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&tbo=d&q=k%27naan+wavin%27+flag&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgw4HsxCnfq6-gVmRkUmlEheImZZtYWKYqyXoW1qcmexYVJJZXBKSH5yfl_5eM8j0pObbpfcbNhtxWcw-9pNpzwEAdRfLXUkAAAA&sa=X&ei=lfG0UI_kHKaFywGehoDACQ&sqi=2&ved=0CMMBEMQNMBU&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=6048e1ecd4849dfb&bpcl=38897761&ion=1&biw=1007&bih=834to > hear it. > > For those unacquainted with Noam Chomsky, at the tender age of 26 he > revolutionized the study of linguistics, and a part of that project was to > issue the death-blow to Sknnerism. Historically, J.P. Sartre did it first, > on a different level, in The Phenomenology of Mind, but his proof was > widely ignored due primarily to its imprecision, and it remained for the > young Chomsky to utterly demolish and leave devastated a > philosophy/psychology that ruled for decades, but was a stack of cards > erected upon falsehood after falsehood after falsehood. > > I think that in the current situation, virtually no one gives even the > slightest credence to Behaviorism, but occasionally I do stumble upon > vestiges of this arcane dogma. The feeling is rather akin to stumbling upon > someone who actually subscribes to Scientology or Astrology. The baffling > thing is that now and then these people otherwise exhibit a modicum of > intelligence. Go figure. > > A. >