Doug Steele
dbdoug at
Mon Oct 22 13:04:38 CDT 2012
This may be totally irrelevant, but I had an Access db that was having problems when some users were using drive letters and others were using UNC. So I found the following function which converts a drive letter to a unc path: Doug ' This API declaration is used to return the ' UNC path from a drive letter. Declare Function WNetGetConnection Lib "mpr.dll" Alias "WNetGetConnectionA" _ (ByVal lpszLocalName As String, ByVal lpszRemoteName As String, cbRemoteName As Long) As Long Function GetUNCPath(strDriveLetter As String) As String On Local Error GoTo GetUNCPath_Err Dim Msg As String, lngReturn As Long Dim lpszLocalName As String Dim lpszRemoteName As String Dim cbRemoteName As Long lpszLocalName = strDriveLetter lpszRemoteName = String$(255, Chr$(32)) cbRemoteName = Len(lpszRemoteName) lngReturn = WNetGetConnection(lpszLocalName, lpszRemoteName, cbRemoteName) Select Case lngReturn Case ERROR_BAD_DEVICE Msg = "Error: Bad Device" Case ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL Msg = "Error: Connection Un-Available" Case ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR Msg = "Error: Extended Error" Case ERROR_MORE_DATA Msg = "Error: More Data" Case ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED Msg = "Error: Feature not Supported" Case ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH Msg = "Error: No Network Available or Bad Path" Case ERROR_NO_NETWORK Msg = "Error: No Network Available" Case ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED Msg = "Error: Not Connected" Case NO_ERROR ' all is successful... End Select If lngReturn <> 0 Then GetUNCPath = "" Else GetUNCPath = Left$(lpszRemoteName, cbRemoteName) GetUNCPath = Left(GetUNCPath, InStr(GetUNCPath, Chr(0)) - 1) End If 'End If GetUNCPath_End: Exit Function GetUNCPath_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation Resume GetUNCPath_End End Function