Darryl Collins
darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au
Mon Sep 10 19:22:35 CDT 2012
Hi guys, Was exporting a query as an .xlsb and Access really didn't like it. Took a few seconds as an .xlsx, but doesn't happen at all with xlsb. Odd.... Anyone else get this / seen this? Darryl Collins Whittle Consulting Pty Ltd Suite 8, 660 Canterbury Rd Surrey Hills, VIC, 3127 p: +61 3 9898 3242 m: +61 418 381 548 f: +61 3 9898 1855 e: darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au<mailto:darryl at whittleconsulting.com.au> w: www.whittleconsulting.com.au<http://www.whittleconsulting.com.au/>