Mark Simms
marksimms at
Sun Sep 23 18:59:55 CDT 2012
Very interesting..and of course, one might ask: Where's MSFT in all of this and Windows 8 ? Have we already written it off ? You are aware of course the VS2013 is supposed to be a blockbuster of a release. As I had indicated in a prior post...about Samsung's deliberate move to Android from Windows Mobile 7.5. That just had to be a "Tell". > -----Original Message----- > From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd- > bounces at] On Behalf Of Stuart McLachlan > Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 6:27 PM > To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving > Subject: Re: [AccessD] Basic4Android > > Hi Tony, > The cost to develop an app obviously depends on what sort of an app it > it. You get a lot of > development for $25K :-) > The data collection you describe is exactly the sort of thing I am > working on. > If you are familiar with the concept of VBA and object properties and > methods, you will find > B4A easy to pick up: > A Form is a Actvitiy, a Control is a View. > You place Views on Actvities in a visual designer and then B4A creates > a Layout file and > module with various empty event Subs where you then put your logic. > Here's the complete source for the first app in the Beginners Guide (a > simple math test > program). As an experienced VBA programmer, you'll have no problem > making sense of it. > (Note that several of the subs are not used, but were created > automatically by B4A) > 'Activity module > Sub Process_Globals > 'These global variables will be declared once when the application > starts. > 'These variables can be accessed from all modules. > End Sub > Sub Globals > 'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is > created. > 'These variables can only be accessed from this module. > Dim btnAction As Button > Dim edtResult As EditText > Dim lblComments As Label > Dim lblMathSign As Label > Dim lblNumber1 As Label > Dim lblNumber2 As Label > Dim Number1, Number2 As Int > End Sub > Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) > Activity.LoadLayout("Main") > New > End Sub > Sub Activity_Resume > End Sub > Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean) > End Sub > Sub btnAction_Click > If btnAction.Text = "O K" Then > If edtResult.Text="" Then > Msgbox("No result entered","E R R O R") > Else > CheckResult > End If > Else > New > btnAction.Text = "O K" > End If > End Sub > Sub New > Number1 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9 > Number2 = Rnd(1, 10) ' Generates a random number between 1 and 9 > lblNumber1.Text = Number1 ' Displays Number1 in label lblNumber1 > lblNumber2.Text = Number2 ' Displays Number2 in label lblNumber2 > lblComments.Text = "Enter the result" & CRLF & "and click on OK" > edtResult.Text = "" ' Sets edtResult.Text to empty > End Sub > Sub CheckResult > If edtResult.Text = Number1 + Number2 Then > lblComments.Text = "G O O D result" & CRLF & "Click on NEW" > btnAction.Text = "N E W" > Else > lblComments.Text = "W R O N G result" & CRLF & "Enter a new result" & > CRLF & "and click > OK" > End If > End Sub > Data collection is easy to do. Android comes with an SQLite engine > built in. So all you need > to do is create a database with the necessary tables, Dim and > instantiate a SQL object, build > appropriate SQL strings where required and then use commands such as > SQL1.ExecNonQuery(steUpdateQry) etc. > There are lots of ways to get data between the SQLite database and > Access. I have written a > PowerBasic application to do it, but for want of any other way, you > could just write routines to > generate/import delimited text files on either side. > The trial version is free to download. If you have a suitable android > device available, give it a > try. > On 23 Sep 2012 at 11:12, Tony Septav wrote: > > Hey Stuart > > > > I need a review on Basic4Android. I read an interesting article in my > local > > newspaper on the cost of developing Apps for IP and Android > phone/pads. The > > basics of the article was it is expensive for the developer to design > an App > > and then hope to sell 1,000s of the product to reap a profit. The > article > > said in general it cost about $25,000 to develop the App. This would > be > > prohibitive to sell to a single institution or business. In the past > I have > > designed many applications for clients to collect data in the field > using > > PALM and Pocket PCs and allowing them the ability to transfer that > data to > > an ACCESS application. I am thinking of designing customized data > collection > > Apps (no fluff or flair) for clients at a reasonable price (using > basically > > the same concept as the PALM and Pocket PC) and allowing the transfer > of the > > information to an ACCESS application. Is this idea applicable to > > Basc4Android programming? I am not a VB programmer but rather a VBA > > programmer. If this is possible? If so it may mean opportunities for > other > > developers to source in this community. > > > > -- > AccessD mailing list > AccessD at > > Website: