pedro at
pedro at
Tue Apr 16 13:03:04 CDT 2013
This is the function: <module1> Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public Function melanomen() Dim ff As Integer Dim strTemp As String Dim strOutputLine As String Dim strResult As String Dim strDQ As String Dim strFilename As String Dim strOutput As String FreeFile ff strDQ = Chr$(34) strFilename = "C:\Temp\TestImport.txt" Open strFilename For Input As #ff Line Input #ff, strTemp While Not EOF(ff) If Left$(strTemp, 2) = "**" Then 'Build initial quote/comma delimited string strOutputLine = Replace(strTemp, " ", strDQ & "," & strDQ) 'add start and end quotes strOutputLine = strDQ & strOutputLine & strDQ End If If Left$(strTemp, 10) = "CONCLUSIE:" Then 'Get next line Line Input #ff, strTemp strOutputLine = strOutputLine & "," & strDQ & strTemp & strDQ End If If Left$(strTemp, 10) = "DIAGNOSES:" Then 'Get next line Line Input #ff, strTemp strOutputLine = strOutputLine & "," & strDQ & strTemp & strDQ 'and append this line strResult = strResult & vbCrLf & strOutput End If Line Input #ff, strTemp Wend Close #ff Debug.Print strResult End Function </module>