pedro at
pedro at
Tue Apr 16 13:22:35 CDT 2013
Hello Stuart, sorry i missed that. I tried several thing and forgot it to place it back to its original. When i execute the macro, i get no errors, but nothing happens. I have added a test-file of the import file. May be you can try yourself. Thanks Pedro You still have "FreeFile ff" in there. As Lambert pointed out, that is not the correct VBA syntax. Replace it with "ff = FreeFile". (It's interesting that it complies - but if you examine the value of ff adter that line, you will see that it is 0) -- Stuart On 16 Apr 2013 at 12:46, pedro at wrote: > I all did this and it did not work. > > I copied and past the functionname and brackets and now its working. > > But now i get an error: "invalid Filename or invalid filenumber", and yellow highlighted is "Open strFilename For Input As #ff" after debugging. > > ??? > > Thanks > > Pedro -------------- next part -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** T02-00423 14-01-02 pn: 01234567, gb: 01-01-22 m (91jr) aa testnaam- CONCLUSIE: Biopt schouder .... DIAGNOSES: huid*biopt*geen afwijkingen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** T02-01350 06-02-02 pn: 07654321, gb: 01-01-68 v (33jr) A.W.G.J. schreurs-kellenaers CONCLUSIE: Huidexcisie linker ...... DIAGNOSES: huid*excisie*melanoom