[AccessD] How to Change CRCRLF to just CRLF

Brad Marks BradM at blackforestltd.com
Thu Aug 1 16:53:08 CDT 2013


We have an Access-based system that pulls records via ODBC from a
purchased Accounting system in order to generate EDI transactions.

For over three years, everything has worked nicely.

Today, one of the generated EDI transactions failed.  In looking at the
records pulled from the Accounting system, it appears that a small
number of the records end with CRCRLF instead of just CRLF (Carriage
Return Line Feed).

I can change the CR (Hex od) to spaces with a replace command like this

Str_A = Replace(Str_A, Chr(13), " ")

However, I don't want to replace all CRs with spaces.  I only want to
replace the first CR with spaces when I find CRCRLF.

Is there a way to do this with VBA?


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