[AccessD] Access Application Obtaining Data from Excel - Another User Has Excel File Opened

Brad Marks BradM at blackforestltd.com
Fri Feb 8 15:27:13 CST 2013


I am struggling with a small Access 2007 application that obtains data
from an Excel file.

The Excel file is defined as a Linked Table in Access.  There is a
single query which is used via Record Set processing.

The data is returned perfectly when no one else is using the Excel file.

If another user is looking at the Excel file but has not clicked on any
cells, the data is returned to Access properly.

However, if another user has the Excel file opened and has clicked on a
cell, the Access application runs into a problem.    

The Access VBA code that does the Record Set processing has error
handling code, but the error that is returned is not trapped by the
error handling code.  Instead a message is shown that says "This action
cannot be completed because the Microsoft Excel - (the Excel file name)
is busy.

I would like to either be able to catch this error with the normal error
handling code


Invoke some sort of routine to determine if the Excel file is tied up
before trying to obtain the data via Access.

Any ideas?  


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