John Bodin
jbodin at
Sat Feb 9 09:34:53 CST 2013
Hi John, The code I was looking at was from Smart Access January 2004 that references some old versions of Access, but the process seems to work. Dan Steele and others. Link to post with Zip file is here: You can put a couple of Textboxes onto a form and then the sample code was assigned to the On Mouse Down/Up/Move. Code for those are below and below that are the two modules that do the work. Thanks for help! John ----------------- ' Event Procedures for TextBoxes '#################### Private Sub txtTextBox1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) On Error GoTo Err_txtTextBox1_MouseDown StartDrag Me End_txtTextBox1_MouseDown: Exit Sub Err_txtTextBox1_MouseDown: MsgBox Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ") in " & _ Me.Name & ".txtTextBox1MouseDown", _ vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Smart Access Answer Column" Resume End_txtTextBox1_MouseDown End Sub Private Sub txtTextBox1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) On Error GoTo Err_txtTextBox1_MouseMove DetectDrop Me, Me!txtTextBox1, Button, Shift, X, Y End_txtTextBox1_MouseMove: Exit Sub Err_txtTextBox1_MouseMove: MsgBox Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ") in " & _ Me.Name & ".txtTextBox1_MouseMove", _ vbOKOnly & vbCritical, "Smart Access Answer Column" Resume End_txtTextBox1_MouseMove End Sub Private Sub txtTextBox1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) On Error GoTo Err_txtTextBox1_MouseUp StopDrag End_txtTextBox1_MouseUp: Exit Sub Err_txtTextBox1_MouseUp: MsgBox Err.Description & " (" & Err.Number & ") in " & _ Me.Name & ".txtTextBox1MouseUp", _ vbOKOnly & vbCritical, "Smart Access Answer Column" Resume End_txtTextBox1_MouseUp End Sub '######################### 'mdlDragDrop '######################### Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' Based on code in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 137650 ' ACC: How to Simulate Drag-And-Drop Capabilities ' ' Declare module-specific variables. ' mfrmDragForm the form from which we're dragging the value ' mctlDragCtrl the control (on mfrmDragForm) from which we're dragging the value ' msngDropTime the timer information about when we dropped the value ' mbytCurrentMode what we're currently doing (Dropping or Dragging) ' This field should only have values NO_MODE, DROP_MODE or DRAG_MODE ' mbytDragQuantity whether we're dragging a single value, or multiple values ' This field should only have values NO_MODE, SINGLE_VALUE or MULTI_VALUE ' ' NOTE: Since this is being developed in Access 97, which does not support Enums, I've defined ' mbytCurrentMode and mintDragQuanity as bytes. If using a higher version that supports Enums, ' it might be more appropriate to change the domain of these two variables. Private mfrmDragForm As Form Private mctlDragCtrl As Control Private msngDropTime As Single Private mbytCurrentMode As Byte Private mbytDragQuantity As Byte Private Const MAX_DROP_TIME = 0.1 Private Const NO_MODE = 0 Private Const DROP_MODE = 1 Private Const DRAG_MODE = 2 Private Const SINGLE_VALUE = 1 Private Const MULTI_VALUE = 2 Sub StartDrag(SourceForm As Form) On Error GoTo Err_StartDrag ' This code was originally written by ' Doug Steele, MVP AccessHelp at ' http://I.Am/DougSteele ' You are free to use it in any application ' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. ' ' Description: This routine should be called from the MouseDown event of any ' control you want to have capable of being dragged. It sets ' some module-level variables to indicate that a Drop event ' has occurred. Note that, of the standard Access controls, only ' list boxes have a multi-select capability. If you're using other ' controls that support multi-select, change the code below accordingly. ' ' Inputs: SourceForm: The form containing the control being dragged. ' ' Returns: Nothing ' NOTE: You should not use Screen.ActiveForm in place of ' SourceForm because you may be dragging from a subform. Set mfrmDragForm = SourceForm Set mctlDragCtrl = Screen.ActiveControl mbytCurrentMode = DRAG_MODE If TypeOf mctlDragCtrl Is ListBox Then If mctlDragCtrl.ItemsSelected.Count > 1 Then mbytDragQuantity = MULTI_VALUE Else mbytDragQuantity = SINGLE_VALUE End If Else mbytDragQuantity = SINGLE_VALUE End If mfrmDragForm.SetFocus SetDragCursor End_StartDrag: Exit Sub Err_StartDrag: Err.Raise Err.Number, "StartDrag(" & SourceForm.Name & ")", Err.Description Resume End_StartDrag End Sub Sub StopDrag() On Error GoTo Err_StopDrag ' This code was originally written by ' Doug Steele, MVP AccessHelp at ' http://I.Am/DougSteele ' You are free to use it in any application ' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. ' ' Description: This routine should be called from the MouseUp event of any ' control you want to have capable of being dragged. It sets ' some module-level variables to indicate that a Drop event ' has occurred. ' ' Inputs: None ' ' Returns: Nothing mbytCurrentMode = DROP_MODE mbytDragQuantity = NO_MODE msngDropTime = Timer() SetDragCursor End_StopDrag: Exit Sub Err_StopDrag: Err.Raise Err.Number, "StopDrag", Err.Description Resume End_StopDrag End Sub Sub DetectDrop(DropForm As Form, _ DropCtrl As Control, _ Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, _ X As Single, _ Y As Single) On Error GoTo Err_DetectDrop ' This code was originally written by ' Doug Steele, MVP AccessHelp at ' http://I.Am/DougSteele ' You are free to use it in any application ' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. ' ' Description: This routine should be called from the MouseMove event of any ' control you want to be capable of being a target of a dragged ' control. ' ' Inputs: DropForm The form containing the control being dropped on ' DropCtrl The control (on form DropForm) being dropped on ' Button, Shift, X, Y The parameters associated with the MouseMove event ' ' Returns: Nothing ' If a drop hasn't happened, then exit. If mbytCurrentMode <> DROP_MODE Then SetDragCursor Exit Sub Else ' If you have a form with a control that set up for both Drag and Drop, ' it's possible to have a problem when you first open that form. ' Specifically, if the form opens with the cursor in that control, you ' can have a spurious MouseUp event that will have invoked StopDrag. ' In that case, though, there will not have been a MouseDown event that ' invoked StartDrag, so neither mfrmDragForm nor mctlDragCtrl will have ' been set. Check for that situation, just to avoid errors. If mfrmDragForm Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If mbytCurrentMode = NO_MODE ' The timer interval lets us check how long it's been between the ' MouseUp event and the MouseMove event. This ensures that the ' MouseMove event does not invoke the Drop procedure unless it is ' the MouseMove event that Microsoft Access automatically fires for ' the Drop control following the MouseUp event of a drag control. ' Subsequent MouseMove events will fail the timer test and be ignored. If Timer - msngDropTime > MAX_DROP_TIME Then Exit Sub Else ' Did we drag/drop onto ourselves? If (mctlDragCtrl.Name <> DropCtrl.Name) Or _ (mfrmDragForm.hwnd <> DropForm.hwnd) Then ' If not, then a successful drag/drop occurred. ProcessDrop mfrmDragForm, mctlDragCtrl, DropForm, DropCtrl, Button, Shift, X, Y End If End If End If End_DetectDrop: Exit Sub Err_DetectDrop: Err.Raise Err.Number, "DetectDrop", Err.Description Resume End_DetectDrop End Sub Sub ProcessDrop(DragForm As Form, _ DragCtrl As Control, _ DropForm As Form, _ DropCtrl As Control, _ Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, _ X As Single, _ Y As Single) On Error GoTo Err_ProcessDrop ' This code was originally written by ' Doug Steele, MVP AccessHelp at ' http://I.Am/DougSteele ' You are free to use it in any application ' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. ' ' Description: This routine should be called from the DetectDrop event of any ' control you want to be capable of being a target of a dragged ' control. This is where everything happens! ' ' Inputs: DragForm The form containing the control being dragged ' DragCtrl The control (on form DragForm) being dragged ' DropForm The form containing the control being dropped on ' DropCtrl The control (on form DropForm) being dropped on ' Button, Shift, X, Y The parameters associated with the MouseMove event ' ' Returns: Nothing Dim ctlCurr As Control Dim strSelectedItems As String Dim varCurrItem As Variant If TypeOf DragCtrl Is ListBox Then ' To handle the processing for the listboxes on frmListBoxExample, we ' call another routine, rather than try to embed too much in this routine If DragForm.Name = "frmListBoxExample" Then ListBoxExample DragForm, DragCtrl, DropForm, DropCtrl, Button, Shift, X, Y Else If DragCtrl.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then For Each varCurrItem In DragCtrl.ItemsSelected strSelectedItems = strSelectedItems & DragCtrl.ItemData(varCurrItem) & ", " Next varCurrItem If Len(strSelectedItems) > 2 Then strSelectedItems = Left$(strSelectedItems, Len(strSelectedItems) - 2) End If DropCtrl = strSelectedItems Else DropCtrl = DragCtrl End If End If ElseIf TypeOf DragCtrl Is CheckBox Then ' Assume we only allow dropping check boxes onto text boxes or check boxes If TypeOf DropCtrl Is TextBox Then DropCtrl = IIf(DragCtrl, "True", "False") ElseIf TypeOf DropCtrl Is CheckBox Then DropCtrl = DragCtrl Else End If ElseIf TypeOf DragCtrl Is OptionGroup Then ' Assume we only allow dropping option groups onto text boxes If TypeOf DropCtrl Is TextBox Then Select Case DropCtrl.Name Case "txtTextBox1" DropCtrl = DragCtrl Case "txtTextBox2" DropCtrl = DragCtrl & ": " & ReturnSelectedOption(DragCtrl) Case Else End Select Else End If Else DropCtrl = DragCtrl End If End_ProcessDrop: Exit Sub Err_ProcessDrop: Err.Raise Err.Number, "ProcessDrop", Err.Description Resume End_ProcessDrop End Sub Sub SetDragCursor() On Error GoTo Err_SetDragCursor ' This code was originally written by ' Doug Steele, MVP AccessHelp at ' http://I.Am/DougSteele ' You are free to use it in any application ' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. ' ' Description: This routine sets the Mouse Cursor. The image set depends ' on the value of mbytDragQuantity (and whether or not the ' "special" icons are present on the workstation) ' mbytDragQuantity should have been set to either SINGLE_VALUE ' or MULTI_VALUE in the StartDrag routine. ' ' Inputs: None ' ' Returns: Nothing Dim strIconPath As String Dim strFolder As String ' This assumes that mbytDragQuantity having a value SINGLE_VALUE (1) will result ' in using the cursor DRAG1PG.ICO, while a value of MULTI_VALUE (2) will result ' in cursor DRAG2PG.ICO. A value of NO_MODE (0) for mbytDragQuantity will set the ' cursor to the Default cursor type. ' In my case, I've put the cursors in the same folder as the database. If you want them ' somewhere else, you'll have to change the method of assigning the path. ' If the icon files don't exist where I expect them to be, I'll just use the built-in ' IDC_CROSS icon. ' Oh, and before I forget, the reason SINGLE_VALUE and MULTI_VALUE aren't part of an Enum ' is because this was developed in Access 97, which doesn't support Enums. strFolder = CurrentDb().Name strFolder = Left$(strFolder, Len(strFolder) - Len(Dir(strFolder))) Select Case mbytDragQuantity Case NO_MODE Screen.MousePointer = 0 Case SINGLE_VALUE strIconPath = strFolder & "DRAG1PG.ICO" If Len(Dir$(strIconPath)) > 0 Then SetMouseCursorFromFile strIconPath Else SetMouseCursor IDC_CROSS End If Case MULTI_VALUE strIconPath = strFolder & "DRAG2PG.ICO" If Len(Dir$(strIconPath)) > 0 Then SetMouseCursorFromFile strIconPath Else SetMouseCursor IDC_CROSS End If Case Else Screen.MousePointer = 0 End Select End_SetDragCursor: Exit Sub Err_SetDragCursor: Err.Raise Err.Number, "SetDragCursor", Err.Description Resume End_SetDragCursor End Sub Sub ListBoxExample(DragForm As Form, _ DragCtrl As Control, _ DropForm As Form, _ DropCtrl As Control, _ Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, _ X As Single, _ Y As Single) On Error GoTo Err_ListBoxExample ' This code was originally written by ' Doug Steele, MVP AccessHelp at ' http://I.Am/DougSteele ' You are free to use it in any application ' provided the copyright notice is left unchanged. ' ' Description: This routine should be called from the ProcessDrop procedure. ' It's used to handle dragging between the 2 list boxes on that form. ' ' Inputs: DragForm The form containing the control being dragged ' DragCtrl The control (on form DragForm) being dragged ' DropForm The form containing the control being dropped on ' DropCtrl The control (on form DropForm) being dropped on ' Button, Shift, X, Y The parameters associated with the MouseMove event ' ' Returns: Nothing Dim dbCurr As DAO.Database Dim strSQL As String Dim strMessage As String Dim strWhere As String Dim varCurrItem As Variant Set dbCurr = CurrentDb() strSQL = "UPDATE Customers SET Selected=" & _ IIf(DragCtrl.Name = "lstListBox1", "True", "False") If (Shift And acShiftMask) = 0 Then If DragCtrl.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then For Each varCurrItem In DragCtrl.ItemsSelected strWhere = strWhere & "'" & DragCtrl.ItemData(varCurrItem) & "', " Next varCurrItem If Len(strWhere) > 2 Then strWhere = " WHERE [CustomerID] IN (" & Left$(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 2) & ")" End If Else strWhere = " WHERE [CustomerID] = '" & DragCtrl & "'" End If End If If Len(strWhere) > 0 Then strSQL = strSQL & strWhere End If dbCurr.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError DragCtrl.Requery DropCtrl.Requery End_ListBoxExample: Set dbCurr = Nothing Exit Sub Err_ListBoxExample: Err.Raise Err.Number, "ListBoxExample", Err.Description Resume End_ListBoxExample End Sub '######################### 'mdlMousePointer '######################### Option Compare Database Option Explicit ' This mouse cursor code is from ' Use SetMouseCursorFromFile along with a path to an .ICO file. ' Use SetMouseCursor along with one of the following constants: Public Const IDC_APPSTARTING As Long = 32650& Public Const IDC_HAND As Long = 32649& Public Const IDC_ARROW As Long = 32512& Public Const IDC_CROSS As Long = 32515& Public Const IDC_IBEAM As Long = 32513& Public Const IDC_ICON As Long = 32641& Public Const IDC_NO As Long = 32648& Public Const IDC_SIZE As Long = 32640& Public Const IDC_SIZEALL As Long = 32646& Public Const IDC_SIZENESW As Long = 32643& Public Const IDC_SIZENS As Long = 32645& Public Const IDC_SIZENWSE As Long = 32642& Public Const IDC_SIZEWE As Long = 32644& Public Const IDC_UPARROW As Long = 32516& Public Const IDC_WAIT As Long = 32514& Declare Function LoadCursorBynum Lib "user32" _ Alias "LoadCursorA" ( _ ByVal hInstance As Long, _ ByVal lpCursorName As Long _ ) As Long Declare Function LoadCursorFromFile Lib "user32" _ Alias "LoadCursorFromFileA" ( _ ByVal lpFileName As String _ ) As Long Declare Function SetCursor Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hCursor As Long _ ) As Long Function SetMouseCursor(CursorType As Long) Dim lngRet As Long lngRet = LoadCursorBynum(0&, CursorType) lngRet = SetCursor(lngRet) End Function Function SetMouseCursorFromFile(strPathToCursor As String) Dim lngRet As Long lngRet = LoadCursorFromFile(strPathToCursor) lngRet = SetCursor(lngRet) End Function '####################### -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of John W Colby Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2013 10:07 AM To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Subject: Re: [AccessD] Generic Procedure on form controls for Drag and Drop John, Paste the code in this email thread which allows the drag and drop to work. I will look at moving the code into a class solution and return a demo. John W. Colby Reality is what refuses to go away when you do not believe in it On 2/6/2013 1:55 PM, John Bodin wrote: > Hello, > > > > New to this list and need some guidance on a form I've developed (I > posted this on LinkedIn and got a few links with good information, but > still having issues). > > > > I have a grid of many text boxes on a form in an Access 2003 app that > I fill from a table upon opening the form as well as when the user > changes a date box. I add some generic procedure calls on the fly to > each text box where I pass the control to the generic function (for > instance, I'll add a double-click event to text box "Txt101" as > "=TxtBoxDblClick([Txt101])". This will pass the control to my function > TxtBoxDblClick so I can react to it.) This all works fine for all text > boxes and I reference just one (same) routine for each control. > > I'm trying to experiment with Drag and Drop and found some code that I > can get to work if at Design time, I add three event procedures to a > text box control (Mouse Down/Up/Move). If I do this to two different > controls, creating 3 event procedures for each at design time, I can > successfully drag and drop between the two controls. So the drag and > drop code looks like it works. > > My problem is, I want to have 3 generic routines like my > TxtBoxDblClick function, that I can add on the fly to the On Mouse > Down/Up/Move events and I can't figure out the syntax and/or code to > make this happen. I can add the custom Functions no problem, but I > know I need to be able to deal with the Button, Shift, X & Y > parameters somehow. I can pass the control to the custom function, but > am unable to reference the Button, Shift, X & Y parameters. I'm > guessing I'll need to create some type of class possibly? If so, can > someone provide some sample code on how to do this what the calls > would be? Thanks for any ideas. John > > > -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: