Jim Dettman
jimdettman at verizon.net
Fri Feb 22 11:12:34 CST 2013
<<But, my immediate question...my request fro y'all...is how to open link manager? It is grayed out, and I'm thinking the reason is that I am now using MS Access 2010, and these programs report as being "Access 97 file format." Is this the case...that since they are in a different format, link manager won't run? And, if so, how can I get around this?>> Still should work. What's most likely is that it was not installed. The other issue is if it is a runtime version. Wizards are not available under the runtime. You can double check quick by creating a blank DB in 2010, link to a external table, then see if the linked table manager is still grayed out. Jim. -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of John Clark Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 11:53 AM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: [AccessD] Re-linking Issue OK...thank you all for your advise and comments in my last post. This is a continuation...sort of...of the same mess. Different program this time, but it all stems from our recent network move. Of all the Access DBs not working, there were only two that I was really responsible for. Both for the same department, and both with similar problems. The rest of them were simple little network/rights issues, but mine, which were done in the Front-End/Back-End fashion, both came down to bad links... The first one was a relatively simple fix, and we did it from the network, rather than Access itself...because Access wouldn't let us. The link was broken to the data on the Back-end, and it was a drive mapping that no longer existed. One of our new policies that we have adopted is to no longer map anyone to the root of a network drive...it isn't necessary. But, these programs were written under the old network scheme and we had an "H:" mapping for just about everyone that took them to the root of the servers. So, going with that flow, I linked using that H: mapping. So, to fix this, we swallowed our pride and added a new H: mapping...for those users that absolutely need it only. Now, I was always a fan of UNC, so if I used an actual mapping, I must have had to. And, I seem to remember Access, at one time, disallowing UNC format for linking. But, that must have changed, because the 2nd DB that we're now having a problem with also has a broken link, but this time the link seems to be the UNC path, rather than a drive letter. The error that was reported to me however, pointed to a different problem. It said they were getting "...error 3042 - Out of MS-DOS file handles." Looking this up pointed me in the direction of security and rights. But, after verifying that all rights are properly setup, I looked deeper into Access. Right away I discovered the link issue. ...however, I'm thinking, as I type this, they should have been able to access the front end, which just has a menu, until the chose a button on that menu...so maybe I'm having another issue as well. But, my immediate question...my request fro y'all...is how to open link manager? It is grayed out, and I'm thinking the reason is that I am now using MS Access 2010, and these programs report as being "Access 97 file format." Is this the case...that since they are in a different format, link manager won't run? And, if so, how can I get around this? What I plan to do, while waiting for your help, is to try allowing Access to update this to the newer version...w/a backup of course...and then go from there. There is some pretty hefty code behind these programs though, so I'm not sure this will work. If it updates, and continues to run, then I'm hoping link manager is then enabled. If this does not work, I'm trying to find a workstation...hopefully one of theirs...that has an older version of Access. Then maybe I can remote in and use there PC to do the change. So, if anyone has any ideas regarding the relinking and/or the error, I'd appreciate the help. Thank you John W Clark