Jim Dettman
jimdettman at verizon.net
Fri Mar 1 08:30:47 CST 2013
Mark, <<A grisly discovery from reviewing the data: some of these union workers are making more per hour than I am....plus they get benefits....and they have no formal college education either.>> Keep in mind that they do have to pay union dues, which are fairly hefty. And despite "no education", for something like a crane operator, there is but it's done on the job. With just about all construction jobs, you apprentice for a number of years before you can become a journeymen, and then more years before you can become a foreman or master. With union dues, you don't earn significant dollars until you get to the later stages. The other thing you don't think about is the physical toll it takes on you. Crane operators not so much, but most involved with construction have bodies that are worn out in their mid-forties. It's not uncommon to see them with double knee and hip replacements, shoulder problems, and significant loss of hearing by that age. They have their problems too, just different ones. As far as your feelings about contract work, you either need to not work as hard or charge more<g>. It's tough though charging more. As I said many years ago, developers was becoming more or less a commodity market rather then a specialized one like it once was. Developers/programmers, etc despite the education are for the most part not paid much more then your average auto mechanic unless your lucky. Our industry has changed quite a bit and unless your lucky to land in on the hottest technology at the moment and get the timing right, it's hard to make big bucks on an hourly basis. The other issue is the attitude in this country that is shared by what seems like more then not now; you take whatever you can get away with. My son just did something yesterday where he was honest in a job interview and as a result, probably won't get the job (he has some minor surgery coming up). His comment? I'm tried of always hearing from everyone that "good guys always finish last". Jim. -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Mark Simms Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 09:16 PM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: Re: [AccessD] my situation.... I just want to let everyone know that I've made most of my hard (Very Hard) earned income by doing Excel VBA Work over the past 2 years. <<snip>>