Rocky Smolin
rockysmolin at
Sat Mar 2 08:42:11 CST 2013
He said (as accurately as I can remember) that I cannot access my client's server because they are using Small Business Server 2003 and, while that is compatible with all IEs up to 9, it will not work with 10 unless he does a bunch of work. Exactly what that work is, I don't know - 'reconfiguring' doesn't really explain the problem or solution. But he claims it will take between 4 and 10 hours of his time to make it work with IE10. The alternative , he claims, is an upgrade to SBS 2011, but that solution would mean paying MS $3300 and then a bunch of his time. Another application required an upgrade to the client's SBS, so they decided because of the cost not to upgrade. Re: kid - this is his third year in H.S. doing Robotics. He and his buddy do all the software. As Freshmen they won here and we got to go to St. Louis for the championships (was attended by 30,000 competitors, mentors, hangers-on like us, from all over the world). They ended up in second place. Last year they made it to St. Louis but didn't do well. All the parents have mixed feeling about their winning again this year. We want them to win. We don't want to spend 4 days in St. Louis. :) This is the organization It was started by Dean Kaman (Segway guy). He and a couple of his buds are involved in both the FTC ( and FRC ( programs. They have a different game each year. This year FTC involves hanging rings on a peg board. Sounds easy. It ain't. :) FRC's game is throwing frisbees through a target. So they have to devise a frisbee launcher that's quite accurate. Here's the FTC game (starts around minute 3) The FRC game You'll see links there to some actual scrimmages. In addition to the mechanical engineering problems they have to solve, he's had to develop software for target acquisition, IR sensor processing, and a host of other functions. Using combination of Java, C++, and Robot-C. Chip off the old block, you might say. What's really cool is that when they need a particular custom part, instead of jury rigging it or fabricating it, they model it in Solidworks and send it to a 3-d printing service which returns the parts in a few days. For them that's just S.O.P. now. So it's taking a lot of time this year. Fortunately he's got a fairly light schedule - AP Calc, AP Physics, AP Computer Science (no work there for him), and his internship which counts as a course. But I digress... R -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gustav Brock Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 6:04 AM To: accessd at Subject: Re: [AccessD] Back to 8 Hi Rocky So your "kid" is a robot?? Let's hear the plain words from the notwork guy. He may have a point, and then we would like to learn, but I doubt it. /gustav >>> rockysmolin at 02-03-13 14:48 >>> I suspect you're right, Gustav. But I'm not a network guy so it's hard for me even to know what questions to ask. Anyway - that's his story and he's sticking to it. I'm off to Monrovia today to the regional robotics competition (my kid - not me) and one of the parents is a network DBA guy. I'll have a gabble with him - we'll have all day up there. Let you know what I find out. R -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at [mailto:accessd-bounces at] On Behalf Of Gustav Brock Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 4:35 AM To: accessd at Subject: Re: [AccessD] Back to 8 Hi Rocky No that doesn't sound right. I've never heard of this and cannot Google a single hit mentioning such "incompatibility". Could you get a reference from him? There may, of course, be other reason for an upgrade but this seems faint. /gustav >>> rockysmolin at 02-03-13 0:00 >>> OK - notwork guy says they're using small business server 2003. Making it compatible with IE10 would take 4-10 hours. The upgrade to Server 2011, which would work with IE10 would cost $3300 plus his time. Sound right? R -- AccessD mailing list AccessD at Website: