[AccessD] MacroError - VBA??

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sun May 26 21:22:44 CDT 2013

Looks to me like a braiin-dead automated Macro to VBA conversion process that doesn't 
deal with error trapping properly.

To answer your first question - it serves no purpose.

On 26 May 2013 at 22:00, William Benson (VBACreations. wrote:

> I converted a command button which Access innately creates with an embedded
> macro, to VBA code. This was the code that was produced, and my question is,
> to what purpose is the MacroError (Application level) property at this
> point... in VBA code it appears to have no relevance, whereas the Err object
> itself does.
> For example, when trying to go to the next record when there is no next
> record, if this were left as a macro button, I would get the error message
> "You can't go to the specified record." But once I have converted the code
> to VBA (See below) MacroError has a value of zero, but Err.Number has a a
> value of 2105, which is the proper error.
> Anyone see any practical side to Access bothering to put code related to
> MacroError instead of focusing on the err object directly?
> Private Sub cmdNextCompany_Click()
> On Error GoTo cmdNextCompany_Click_Err
>     On Error Resume Next
>     DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNext
>     If (MacroError <> 0) Then
>         Beep
>         MsgBox MacroError.Description, vbOKOnly, ""
>     End If
> cmdNextCompany_Click_Exit:
>     Exit Sub
> cmdNextCompany_Click_Err:
>     MsgBox Error$
>     Resume cmdNextCompany_Click_Exit
> End Sub
> -- 
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