[AccessD] Many to Many relationship issue

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 11:37:53 CDT 2014

Bill, et. al. on this thread,

I seriously take issue with your comment that "the flatter your information
is, the less outside dependencies..."

In my opinion, this is wrong, wrong, wrong. Or to phrase it another way,
this is the reason for Views, as opposed to direct table Selects.

But this whole thread makes me wonder, Is there a way that we can create a
relational diagram, whether in Access or SSMS or some similar tool, and
include the diagram in the original post or its replies? For this sort of
discussion, a picture is worth 1000 words.

Can this be done? I've not yet tried to do this; hence the question. But I
think that if it can be done, this would go a long way to improving the
quality of the threads.


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