[AccessD] trying to filter a form on a control's value

Bill Benson bensonforums at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 21:41:10 CST 2014


The below was meant in a spirit of good humor, I don’t want you friends to take it as a rant… the part about thread being hijacked was tongue in cheek. Much can be learned by the new information shared on a single thread. Doesn’t leave me any less confused but so be it.


From: Bill Benson [mailto:bensonforums at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 8:11 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] trying to filter a form on a control's value


Thanks for presenting ideas, however to elevate them to a status of "solution(s)" to the problem which I originally presented -- and frankly, which I no longer have because I have stopped giving a damn - is either to (1) not address my ignorance of how and why they apply to someone wanting to filter forms, not controls (ie, it was mentioned before about altering the rowsource of the control, which I have no need nor intention to do) or (2) is demonstrating that people are really not clear what it is I had set out to do.


I am more than willing to keep up an effort to correspond, but am utterly lost as to how anything so far mentioned is going to help me cause the form to dynamically filter itself if/when the combo boxes change and ONLY if the filter toggle button I placed on the form is in the True state; and to relinquish the filter, without affecting any of the combo boxes, when that state becomes false again - without use of events for the combos and for the toggle button.


Is this thread getting hijacked I wonder? If not, if these Tempvars and classes in ANY way make filtering a dynamic activity that makes tying the filter to a control and then "forgetting" about it in terms of events, letting "variables" or "classes" take over - then please make that case, make it clearly, perhaps present an example, and yes, I will prepare myself to be amazed and well pleased.


Thanks for your kind attention colleagues!


On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 7:10 PM, Arthur Fuller <fuller.artful at gmail.com <mailto:fuller.artful at gmail.com> > wrote:

Tempvars are a convenient solution, but their big problem is that they are
only respected in the most recent versions of Access. And that is one
serious problem. The most recent alternatives are two other approaches:
static functions and classes. See my previous posts on static funcs and
JC's posts on classes, from which I have learned a ton. Both, in my view,
present useful solutions, and I have incorporated both within a single

IMO, TempVars was a lame attempt to solve a universal problem. JWC and I
have both provided far better solutions.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Bill Benson <bensonforums at gmail.com <mailto:bensonforums at gmail.com> > wrote:


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