Kostas Konstantinidis
kost36 at otenet.gr
Fri Feb 14 11:44:10 CST 2014
hi, In a form I use the follown code: Private Sub FilmID_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Dim fname, x As String fname = "F:\Trailers\" & Me.FilmID & "*" <— I don’t know if its the correct syntax x = IIf(InStrRev([fname], ".") > 0, Mid([fname], InStrRev([fname], ".") + 1), "") if fname = “” then ‘appears a message for file not found else Shell "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe F:\Trailers\fname", vbNormalFocus End Sub Every stored file into F:\ Trailers is titled with the same FilmID as filename (e.g FilmId = 3070 filename = 3070.mp4) but the extensions may be different while some files are saved as .mp4 some as .avi and some others as .flv etc rtc... When Shell() calls wmplayer, it opens but it can't play the file because obviously it can't find it... Thank you for any help /kostas