John Clark
John.Clark at
Wed Jan 15 07:30:52 CST 2014
John W Clark Computer Programmer ( mailto:ComputerJohn.Clark at ) John.Clark at ( ) >>> "Stuart McLachlan" <stuart at> 1/15/2014 3:56 AM >>> Check the user rights on the directory. I've seen this one before - where users can create files but not modify them. In that case, as soon as the first person opens it and the lock file is created, no one else can modify the lock file, so can't open the application. If that is not the problem, also check user rights on the Back end database. ***** I believe this was the issue Stuart. I pulled a bit of a bonehead move...I'm following another bonehead and I believe it must be contagious...and I moved this "new" copy of the DB to its own directory. I thought I'd nested the directory, but I'd actually placed it on a parallel level as the original. Because of this, I'd forgotten to grant rights to this directory to this group of people...I house my data (and copies) in a "DATA" directory on our server, which each department w/programs having their own sub-directory, and then each program (some have more than one) having its own directory under that. I don't use Access security because my network security is pretty solid...and I guess this just bit me in the hind end. Pretty much each program that I put out there also gets a network security group created for that I can grant that group rights and then add/delete users from the group as needed. When a user authenticates to the network, they either have rights or they don't, and if they do not, this program doesn't even exist for them. Once I granted this security group rights to this new directory, all was well. But, of course, more problems arose...and that is where I'm at now. But, thanks to you and anyone else who chimed in to help! I appreciate it very much! Notice: This electronic transmission is intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential, privileged or otherwise legally protected information. If you are not the intended recipient, or if you believe you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, copying, distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information, is strictly prohibited. Niagara County is not responsible for the content of any external hyperlink referenced in this email or any email. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY BY EMAIL AND DELETE THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE ALONG WITH ANY PAPER OR ELECTRONIC COPIES. Thank you for your cooperation.