[AccessD] Access 2013 Run-Time Package

Rocky Smolin rockysmolin at bchacc.com
Thu Dec 10 19:43:15 CST 2015

Dear List:
The fellow who acquired my product has been using the Wise/Sagekey packaging
scheme I was using.  But that's obsolete and so he would like to upgrade the
app to 2013 and use the run-time packager provided in 2013.
Upgrading the app to 2013 was no problem.  But he's been having problems
getting a working run-time install.  He's close but no cigar and it's
sucking up a huge amount of time that could be better spent elsewhere. At
this point it installs OK but generates an error when the app starts from
the launcher shortcut the packager puts on the desktop.
He's in Boise Idaho and I advised him to try to find a good access developer
in town to provide tech support for problems like this.
Long shot: Can any one on the list provide a referral for him?
Longer shot: Anyone on the list in Boise?
Shorter shot: Anyone want to take on this task? 
Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software
www.bchacc.com <http://www.bchacc.com/> 
www.e-z-mrp.com <http://www.e-z-mrp.com/> 
Skype: rocky.smolin

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