[AccessD] More hi-jinks

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 18:08:51 CST 2015

I'm a picture book junkie. Before we moved the last time I had a regular library. One of my all-time favorites is one titled Baby Loves... 

Baby Loves... Hat... better than anything else in the world...

Turn the page -- absolutely adorable and all of my grandchildren have imitated my long drawn out ex...cep...t... as I slowly turn the page and build anticipation. 

They love it. I love it. 

So... that's kind of what development reminds me of and I often hear that ex...cep...t in my head when working. :)

That’s the way it will always be, except... that's this database. :) 

Susan H. 

Hehe....  When I used to work in Media, there was an old saying along the lines of "Never work with Children or Animals". 

Database land isn't so different I have noticed. 


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