[AccessD] System resource exceeded. Error No 3035

Jurgen Welz jwelz at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 12 22:48:26 CST 2015

The sample code I pasted had the format messed up as the line breaks disappeared.  I'll try again:

Swap the line in the SpeedTest sub below

Set db = fnDb


Set db = CurrentDb

You could also replace it with

Set db = dbengine(0)(0)

and see if there is any difference.

'Code below to paste in a Module with the Declare line above any procedures:

Public Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "Winmm" () As Long

'Speed test procedure.  lngx is the number of iterations to run

Public Sub SpeedTest()

    Dim lngx As Long

    Dim lngi As Long

    Dim db As DAO.Database

    lngi = timeGetTime

    For lngx = 0 To 999

        Set db = fnDB

        Set db = Nothing


    Debug.Print timeGetTime - lngi

End Sub

'Function that sets a database object variable to a previously instantiated static variable

Public Function fnDB() As DAO.Database

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

    Static db As DAO.Database

    Dim lngi As Long

    lngi = Len(db.Name)


    On Error Resume Next

    Set fnDB = db

    Exit Function


    With Err

        Set db = CurrentDb

    End With

    'Resume 0

    Resume ExitRoutine

End Function

'End of code to paste into module

You can easily test the difference in speed with your own database and that will vary with complexity and the horse power you've got.  You can change the number of iterations by changing the loop counter end number.  The immediate window will display then total number of milliseconds to create and destroy a database variable that number of times.  The code as written creates and destroys the database variable 1000 times.  In my environment, CurrentDb called 1000 times takes 2 seconds, or 2 thousandths of a second each time it's called.  If I'm not calling CurrentDb in a loop, I don't think anyone will notice the 2 milliseconds.  Using the static variable in the function takes 4 millionths of a second.  500 times faster sounds impressive, but there are not many routines so complex that using one over the other would make a noticeable difference.  I leave it to anyone else to set the variable to dbengine(0)(0) and report on any difference.

Jürgen Welz
Edmonton, Alberta 		 	   		  

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