[AccessD] Opening Files from BLOB in SQL Server 2012
Jurgen Welz
jwelz at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 30 14:42:54 CDT 2015
It turns out that you don't need to do the Unicode conversion if you write the byte array directly to the file system. The sample code I had from the old knowledgebase article used a string variable but that step is unnecessary as is taking fixed size chunks out of the file in a loop plus any remainders.
I have an error logger (LogErr), a function that returns a pointer to a persistent database object (fnDB, that instantiates it if it doesn't exist), a logged in user name function (fnUserName Api call) and a file launcher (RunApp Api Call) that opens files based on extension with the default windows file association. All users running the application have a folder with the base path defined in strFilePathName since that's where the application runs from. The function is passed the AttachmentID, grabs the data from the blob, writes it to the location with the file extension with which it was uploaded and saves it with the extension name. If a person opened a file and then ran the function again with the same file ID while that file is open, there would be a file access error so I'll build a check to see whether such a file already exists (Dir())and if so, whether it is open (Open strPathFileName For Binary Access Read Lock Read As intFile) and if it is, append a version suffix in a loop until the incremented version suffix reaches an unfound and/or unlocked version) before saving and opening it a subsequent time.
Barring the replacement of the assignment statement for the strFilePathName with a function that returns the file name for opening concurrent versions of the same file, the following is getting the job done.
Public Function ShowFile(lngID As Long)
'AttachmentID is primary Key of Blob file record
'AttachmentFileType is the file extension including the '.' - ie '.txt' or '.docx'
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim r As DAO.Recordset
Dim strUser As String
Dim lngFileLength As Long
Dim lngI As Long
Dim intFile As Integer
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim strFilePathName As String
strUser = fnUserName
Set db = fnDB
Set r = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT AttachmentData, AttachmentFileType FROM HQAF WHERE AttachmentID = " & lngID, dbOpenSnapshot)
strFilePathName = "C:\Users\" & strUser & "\GOM\" & lngID & r(1)
intFile = FreeFile
Open strFilePathName For Binary As intFile
lngFileLength = r(0).FieldSize()
ReDim bytes(0 To lngFileLength)
bytes = r(0).GetChunk(0, lngFileLength)
Put intFile, , bytes
Close intFile
RunApp strFilePathName, 1
On Error Resume Next
Set r = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
With Err
Select Case .Number
Case Else
LogErr "modBlob", "ShowFile", .Description, .Number
End Select
End With
'Resume 0
Resume ExitRoutine
End Function
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