[AccessD] Windows Taskbar question: Access apps move around

David McAfee davidmcafee at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 13:08:36 CDT 2015

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard

I have three similarly named Access databases open.

Their names are long enough that the three MDBs appear to have the same

I know which one is which, or so I thought...

I have a FY1415 version on the left, a FY1516 in the middle and a new style
FY1516 version on the right.

I am doing certain things in one and not the others.

I paste/or  change some date criteria in one of the MDbs and all of the
sudden it's not returning the correct results.

I now notice that the new 1516 is on the left, 1415 is in the middle and
1516 is on the right!


Is there a way to prevent Windows from moving them?

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