[AccessD] Access and source control

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 09:05:20 CST 2016

I'd be interested, as well as skeptical. The only way I can see it working
with Access is if it exports all the code required to create the objects
from scratch; how else could it achieve the fine grain necessary for proper
version control? Until reading this, I have always thought of Access's
all-in-one storage as simultaneously a great feature and a great liability.
I'd be especially interested in hearing from anyone who has used this
technology. Specifically, create an initial version of some Access project,
store it in the repository, then make a few changes to a few forms, queries
and reports and store that as a new version; finally, roll back only those
changes to the original version.

On re-reading the page, it looks as though it won't work for me, since it
appears to require a 32-bit OS, and both my machines are running 64-bit.


On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Gustav Brock <gustav at cactus.dk> wrote:

> Hi all
> I noticed this link:
> https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/b5b5053e-af34-4fa3-9098-aaa3f3f007cd
> which claims that TFS can be used for version control of Access. It is for
> A2007, but A2010 should work as well, and - if so - I guess A2013 and A2016
> as well.
> Anyone having experience with this? I only use the TFS on-line service of
> Microsoft, not an in-house server.
> /gustav
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