[AccessD] Color Number Format
Rocky Smolin
rockysmolin at bchacc.com
Sun Apr 9 15:24:01 CDT 2017
My pleasure. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. :)
-----Original Message-----
From: AccessD [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of
Steve Schapel
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2017 11:57 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Color Number Format
LOL. I thought you already knew that, Rocky, in fact I'm pretty sure I have
seen you say as much before.
Having said that, I have also learnt something from this thread, I wasn't
aware of that conundrum. So thanks a lot.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rocky Smolin
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2017 3:10 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Color Number Format
Resistance is futile? :)
-----Original Message-----
From: AccessD [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of
Gustav Brock
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2017 7:35 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Color Number Format
Hi Rocky
I don't think that property is for you to change.
And the #000000 format is a CSS standard and used all over (outside VBA), so
you better assimilate it.
Fra: AccessD <accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com> på vegne af Rocky Smolin
<rockysmolin at bchacc.com>
Sendt: 9. april 2017 16:18:54
Til: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Emne: Re: [AccessD] Color Number Format
So I discovered by accident (or brilliant deduction) last night that the RGB
representation in the property sheet with # was the reverse of the &H
representation in VBA.
Why would they do that? Some programmer's sense of humor?
I think I'm going to switch to a simpler language like Mandarin or ancient
Aramaic. :)
But your code goes in my library. Somehow I managed 20 years of Access
development without having to fiddle with this. But in 2010 because the
property sheet is in that #nnnnnn format I probably will again.
Is there no preference switch somewhere to have access display decimal in
the property sheet like good old Access 2003?
Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
From: AccessD [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of
Gustav Brock
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2017 2:43 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'; 'Off Topic'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Color Number Format
Hi Rocky
The #112233 format is still in RGB sequence but it's a hex representation,
not the hex value.
The hex value will be &H332211 because Red is the "small" component.
Recently, I had a lot of similar conversions to do and made these small
functions to minimise the dull work:
' Calculate discrete RGB colours from a composite colour value and ' return
one component.
' Also, by reference, return all components.
' Examples:
' Simple print of the components:
' SomeColor = 813466
' RGBComponent SomeColor
' ' Debug Print:
' ' 154 105 12
' Get one component from a colour value:
' Dim SomeColor As Long
' Dim Green As Integer
' SomeColor = 13466
' Green = RGBComponent(SomeColor, vbGreen)
' ' Green -> 52
' Get all components from a colour value:
' Dim SomeColor As Long
' Dim Red As Integer
' Dim Green As Integer
' Dim Blue As Integer
' SomeColor = 813466
' RGBComponent SomeColor, , Red, Green, Blue
' ' Red -> 154
' ' Green -> 105
' ' Green -> 12
' 2017-03-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function RGBComponent( _
ByVal RGB As Long, _
Optional ByVal Component As Long, _
Optional ByRef Red As Integer, _
Optional ByRef Green As Integer, _
Optional ByRef Blue As Integer) _
As Integer
Dim Color As Long
If RGB <= 0 Then
' Return Black.
Red = 0
Green = 0
Blue = 0
' Dissolve composite RGB into discrete colours.
Red = RGB And vbRed
Green = (RGB And vbGreen) / &H100
Blue = (RGB And vbBlue) / &H10000
' Return chosen colour component.
Select Case Component
Case vbRed
Color = Red
Case vbGreen
Color = Green
Case vbBlue
Color = Blue
Case Else
Color = vbBlack
End Select
End If
Debug.Print Red, Green, Blue
RGBComponent = Color
End Function
' Returns the numeric RGB value from an CSS RGB hex representation.
' Will accept strings with or without a leading octothorpe.
' Examples:
' Color = RGBCompound("#9A690C")
' ' Color = 813466
' Color = RGBCompound("9A690C")
' ' Color = 813466
' 2017-03-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function RGBCompound( _
ByVal HexRGB As String) _
As Long
' Format of RGB hex strings.
Const RGBPrefix As String = "#"
Const Length As Integer = 6
' Format of Hex values.
Const HexPrefix As String = "&H"
Dim Start As Integer
Dim Color As Long
If Mid(HexRGB, 1, 1) = RGBPrefix Then
Start = 1
End If
If Len(HexRGB) = Start + Length Then
Color = RGB( _
HexPrefix & Mid(HexRGB, Start + 1, 2), _
HexPrefix & Mid(HexRGB, Start + 3, 2), _
HexPrefix & Mid(HexRGB, Start + 5, 2))
End If
RGBCompound = Color
End Function
' Returns the CSS hex representation of a decimal RGB value ' with or
without a leading octothorpe.
' Example:
' CSSValue = RGBHex(813466)
' ' CSSValue = "#9A690C"
' CSSValue = RGBHex(813466, True)
' ' CSSValue = "9A690C"
' 2017-03-26. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function RGBHex( _
ByVal Color As Long, _
Optional ByVal NoPrefix As Boolean) _
As String
' Format of RGB hex strings.
Const RGBPrefix As String = "#"
Dim Red As Integer
Dim Green As Integer
Dim Blue As Integer
Dim HexRGB As String
RGBComponent Color, , Red, Green, Blue
If Not NoPrefix Then
' Set prefix.
HexRGB = RGBPrefix
End If
' Assemble compound string with leading zeroes for small values.
HexRGB = HexRGB & _
Right("0" & Hex(Red), 2) & _
Right("0" & Hex(Green), 2) & _
Right("0" & Hex(Blue), 2)
End Function
Fra: AccessD <accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com> på vegne af Rocky Smolin
<rockysmolin at bchacc.com>
Sendt: 9. april 2017 06:18:19
Til: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'; 'Off Topic'
Emne: [AccessD] Color Number Format
Dear List(s):
In A2003 colors in the property sheet were entered in decimal by default
(Back Color, Border Color, etc.)
In A2010 the default is Hex (#nnnnnn).
I would like it to default to decimal but can't find where that switch is.
Does anybody know?
Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software
<http://www.bchacc.com> www.bchacc.com
<http://www.e-z-mrp.com> www.e-z-mrp.com
Skype: rocky.smolin
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