[AccessD] Determining the records about to be deleted by the DBEngine

Bill Benson bensonforums at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 12:05:34 CDT 2017

I am a little surprised no one responded ... but I will report that the
"issue" I thought I had turned out to be an artifact of Access firing the
MouseMove event one additional time as it settled on the record below the
one(s) selected - whether that be an existing record or a new record - but
this turned out to be after the BeforeDelConfirm event had fired. Thus, the
records I was testing in BeforeDelConfirm were only the ones selected at
the time the user pressed delete. So all is well.

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 6:16 PM, Bill Benson <bensonforums at gmail.com> wrote:

> How, in the BeforeDelConfirm event, can I determine what records are
> about to be deleted so that I can give the user more info than Access's
> "how many records will be deleted" message? For example, related records in
> other tables that I have to maintain the cascading deletions for (the data
> integrity is not set, so I have to take care of the cleanup in code)?
> When I put code to test recordsetclone, form.Selheight, Form.Seltop kind
> of stuff in MouseMove of the datasheet form - I get a different set of
> records by the time Access condenses the data set (I think it ut retriggers
> MouseMove on its own, when pushing the user onto the next available record
> that would exist post-delete, while showing the transactional view. If the
> user cancels, this problem goes away but if the user does not cancel, I do
> not want Access reporting on the record below where the user is deleting
> from, the way it seems to now.
> I would be surprised there is nothing I can use like Access natively uses
> to identify which records are about to be deleted?
> Form Class Module
> Dim arSelectedItems() as long
> Dim StrID as String
> Private Sub Form_BeforeDelConfirm(Cancel As Integer, Response As Integer)
> Dim i As Long
> For i = 1 To UBound(arSelectedItems)
>     strID = strID & "," & arSelectedItems(i)
> Next
>     Debug.Print Debug.Print Mid(strID, 2)
> End Sub
> Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As
> Single, Y As Single)
> Dim rst As Recordset
> Dim F As Form
> Dim strID As String
> Set F = Me
> Dim i As Long
> ReDim arSelectedItems(0 To F.SelHeight)
> If Me.SelHeight = 0 Then
>     Exit Sub
> End If
> Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
> rst.MoveFirst
> For i = 1 To F.SelTop - 1
>     rst.MoveNext
> Next
> For i = 1 To F.SelHeight
>     arSelectedItems(i) = rst!ID
>     strID = strID & "," & arSelectedItems(i)
>     rst.MoveNext
> Next
> Debug.Print Mid(strID, 2)
> End Sub

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