[AccessD] Website 08/06
John Bartow
jbartow at winhaven.net
Sat Aug 11 11:27:59 CDT 2018
Ditto. Nothing wrong with http sites unless their collecting info. Anyone worth their malicious intent can still set up a https site to steal your info. One of the points of anything google does is to control the environment towards its goals. I recommend that you be cynical, its justified.
-----Original Message-----
From: AccessD <accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com> On Behalf Of Jim Dettman
HTTPS buys you some additional assurance that it's a "known" site at least.
In order to get that, you need a static IP, will probably have a reverse pointer, and it proves you're in control of the DNS records that represent the site. But still, anyone that really has nefarious intents can easily set all that up with a dummy company. So in the end, it buy's you some safety even when you are not giving information, but not all much.
So I would agree with you in that I wouldn't think twice about visiting a site with http. But if I have to login or send information, then absolutely I'd be looking for https.
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