[AccessD] Administrivia - Database Advisors Funding Drive
Lawrence Mrazek
lmrazek at lcm-res.com
Tue Oct 16 13:57:46 CDT 2018
I don't do too much Access stuff any more, but donated 25.00 because this
list has certainly helped me in the past. Thanks to all who keep this
resource going.
Larry Mrazek
LCM Research, Inc.
lmrazek at lcm-res.com
On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 1:53 PM Bryan Carbonnell <
listmaster at databaseadvisors.com> wrote:
> Dear List(s):
> The time has come to have a serious talk. About money.
> Domain names and internet hosting costs real actual money. Which we’re
> running out of. So we need some.
> So here’s the deal. We need about $500 to keep Database Advisors running
> for another year. Less than that for the next few years after that.
> Keith Williamson, who has been a real brick about taking care of the messy
> details, has set up a PayPal site where we can contribute dough.
> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SGVT87NEVPU9A
> But what we’re really interested in is your intention to donate some real
> bread to the cause. After all, there’s no sense in raising $250 when you
> need $500 and the thing goes down the tubes for lack of a few bucks.
> Reply to this email and tell us how much you will donate if we decide to
> pull the trigger.
> I’ve been a member of DBA before it was DBA – when it was hosted by Memphis
> Technologies for free and then one day they decided to pull the plug and
> suddenly we were all talking to each other through a yahoo group, trying to
> salvage AccessD.
> And we did it. DBA is an actual corporation with stock certificates and
> everything. A bunch of us chipped in and thanks to some tireless work on
> the part of a few members, DBA was born and AccessD was saved. And they’re
> still doing it today (Thank you tireless volunteers.}
> I can’t count the number of times over the last 20 years or so (could it be
> that long?) AccessD saved my bacon; that I sent in a question at 10:30 at
> night and woke up in the morning to find that some lister in Germany or
> Australia had answered my question. And those of us on the OT list have
> been communing for what? 20 years? Births. Deaths. Weddings. Divorces.
> Job changes. Happy time. Sad times. It’s a cyber family (most of us have
> never met each other in person). And we would hate to see that circling the
> drain.
> But I digress. Certainly the traffic on the list has diminished as the
> popularity of Access has waned. But every couple of months they still pull
> my chestnuts out of the fire.
> So write back. If we send out a request for money, tell us how much we can
> count on from you. I think we can get to $500. If we can’t…well I don’t
> want to think about that.
> So let us hear from you.
> If just 10 of you chip in $50 bucks, we’re there! Or 50 of you each
> putting in a sawbuck. That works too. Or anything in between.
> OK let’s get it started. I’m good for $50. So we only need $450 more (see
> how easy that was?)
> You?
> Rocky Smolin
> Beach Access Software
> 760-683-5777
> www.bchacc.com
> www.e-z-mrp.com
> Skype: rocky.smolin
> --
> AccessD mailing list
> AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
> http://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/accessd
> Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com
Larry Mrazek
lmrazek at lcm-res.com
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