[AccessD] [dba-SQLServer] DSN Tables - Could not find installable ISAM
Gustav Brock
gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Dec 18 01:01:49 CST 2019
Hi David
Yes. Use the latest ODBC driver and a connection string like:
DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 17.0;Description=Your application name;APP=Microsoft® Access;SERVER=tcp:YourInstanceName.database.windows.net,1433;DATABASE=YourDbName;Trusted_Connection=No;UID=Username at YourInstanceName;PWD=YourPassword;
We have these two functions to control that and relink the tables and PT queries:
' Create ODBC connection string from its variable elements.
' 2018-10-02. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function ConnectionString( _
ByVal Hostname As String, _
ByVal Database As String, _
ByVal Username As String, _
ByVal Password As String) _
As String
Const AzureDomain As String = ".windows.net"
Const OdbcConnect As String = _
"ODBC;" & _
"DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;" & _
"Description=Cactus TimeSag og Finans;" & _
"APP=Microsoft® Access;" & _
"SERVER={0};" & _
"DATABASE={1};" & _
"UID={2};" & _
"PWD={3};" & _
' Examples (Note, optional encryption):
' "ODBC;Driver=SQL Server;Server=tcp:b8uros8p4x.database.windows.net;Database=cactus;UID=cactus@ b8uros8p4x;Pwd=Password;Encrypt=yes"
' "ODBC;Driver=SQL Server Native Client 17.0;Server=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=Test;Trusted_Connection=Yes"
Dim FullConnect As String
If Right(Hostname, Len(AzureDomain)) = AzureDomain Then
' Azure SQL connection.
' Append servername to username.
Username = Username & "@" & Split(Hostname)(0)
End If
FullConnect = OdbcConnect
FullConnect = Replace(FullConnect, "{0}", Hostname)
FullConnect = Replace(FullConnect, "{1}", Database)
FullConnect = Replace(FullConnect, "{2}", Username)
FullConnect = Replace(FullConnect, "{3}", Password)
FullConnect = Replace(FullConnect, "{4}", IIf(Username & Password = "", "Yes", "No"))
ConnectionString = FullConnect
End Function
' Attach all tables linked via ODBC to SQL Server or Azure SQL.
' 2016-04-24. Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function AttachSqlServer( _
ByVal Hostname As String, _
ByVal Database As String, _
ByVal Username As String, _
ByVal Password As String) _
As Boolean
Const cstrDbType As String = "ODBC"
Const cstrAcPrefix As String = "dbo_"
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strConnect As String
Dim strName As String
On Error GoTo Err_AttachSqlServer
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strConnect = ConnectionString(Hostname, Database, Username, Password)
For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
strName = tdf.Name
If Asc(strName) <> Asc("~") Then
If InStr(tdf.Connect, cstrDbType) = 1 Then
If Left(strName, Len(cstrAcPrefix)) = cstrAcPrefix Then
tdf.Name = Mid(strName, Len(cstrAcPrefix) + 1)
End If
tdf.Connect = strConnect
Debug.Print Timer, tdf.Name, tdf.SourceTableName, tdf.Connect
End If
End If
For Each qdf In dbs.QueryDefs
If qdf.Connect <> "" Then
Debug.Print Timer, qdf.Name, qdf.Type, qdf.Connect
qdf.Connect = strConnect
End If
Debug.Print "Done!"
AttachSqlServer = True
Set tdf = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
Exit Function
Call ErrorMox
Resume Exit_AttachSqlServer
End Function
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: AccessD <accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com> På vegne af David Emerson
Sendt: 17. december 2019 19:30
Til: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Emne: Re: [AccessD] [dba-SQLServer] DSN Tables - Could not find installable ISAM
Does anyone have experience with linking tables to Azure?
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