[AccessD] FW: Query expression

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 09:09:12 CST 2020

James and I have been discussing the wildcard thread privataely -- I want to share some of this -- very insightful and helpful -- too good to keep to myself! 

Susan H. 



You're welcome to the suggestion

And - if looking at similar  situations remember that ?  means any single character  so *e?# means  any  "WORD" with a single character between an e and a numeric digit BUT  in some search facilities 
*e*#  does not mean  Ae 1     as the space breaks the search string 
But Ae*   will find the entry with the space -   because there is only the single wildcard *  
And Ae* *   will find the entry starting with the Ae and the following space -   because the second *  being on its own means anything counts 
See <https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/search-dev>
And my  reminder place

And note the ! inside the [ ]
As in [!0-9]
And the use in find of    ( string1 ) (string2)   
And then in replace      /2 /1

And all the other  specialities   
sometimes makes it easier to move Excel text into word to adjust it, then move it back

And for that I especially like the options  22" wide paper  1 point font, and tabs to separate entries for manipulation using ALS_+ mouse selection  to get rectangular blocks of text  rather than a selection of whole lines
 - and zoom to 400% to see what you are doing 'whatever' to

And - if going to put it back into Excel  beware of line and para breaks in a cell as that gets multiple rows in word, but no entry in column 1  so the paste back is  'orrible' 
So add an extra column 1  and fill it with any character to force an entry into the first column in excel Not forgetting numbering the rows  so you can see where the data came from  and Automate the missing number fields being filled with the earlier number incremented by 0.00000001
  ( so you can put in ascending numbers for more rows than Excel likes before you start the manipulation in Excel.)

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