[AccessD] Transferring Files via FTP
David Emerson
newsgrps at dalyn.co.nz
Fri Oct 9 03:31:50 CDT 2020
I can't find any ping commands that accept the credentials.
I get the same problem when I try getting a list of files using this
Function ListFTPFiles(strFTPLogin As String, strFTPPassword As String,
strDirectory As String) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_ListFTPFiles
Const q As String * 1 = """"
Dim sEXE As String, strList As String, strFiles() As String, x As Long,
ff As Long
strList = TempDir() & "FTPCmds.tmp"
ff = FreeFile
Open strList For Output As #ff
Print #ff, "open " & Nz(basCustomDLookUp("FTPSiteAddress",
"dbo.tlkpSystemSetting", "SYID = 1"), "")
Print #ff, strFTPLogin
Print #ff, strFTPPassword
Print #ff, "cd " & strDirectory
Print #ff, "ls . " & TempDir() & "webfiles.txt"
Print #ff, "bye"
Close #ff
sEXE = Environ$("COMSPEC")
sEXE = Left$(sEXE, Len(sEXE) - Len(Dir(sEXE)))
sEXE = sEXE & "ftp.exe -s:" & q & strList & q
ShellWait sEXE, vbHide
' Kill strList
ff = FreeFile
Open TempDir() & "webfiles.txt" For Input As #ff
While Not EOF(ff)
x = x + 1
ReDim Preserve strFiles(x)
Line Input #1, strFiles(x)
Close #ff
'Kill TempDir() & "webfiles.txt"
ListFTPFiles = strFiles()
The webfiles.txt file is not being created. The strDirectory ("EIEPin ")
exists and is off the root directory. It also has files in it.
Do I need to send the port number through? It should be 22.
-----Original Message-----
From: AccessD <accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com> On Behalf Of Gustav
Brock via AccessD
Sent: Friday, 9 October 2020 9:19 pm
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
<accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Cc: Gustav Brock <gustav at cactus.dk>
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Transferring Files via FTP
Hi David
> I am able to connect using FileZilla. But this includes a login and
I guess you still need to pass your credentials.
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