[AccessD] Access 2010 or later - storing and referencing code in libraries

Martin martinreid at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 11:28:03 CDT 2021

Sorry John but you are Obi Wan


On Thu, 17 Jun 2021, 17:16 John Colby, <jwcolby at gmail.com> wrote:

> I need assistance creating a library file, using Access 2010, which
> contains CREATABLE classes.
> If you export a class made in Access 2010 using the 2007 file format, in
> the header it will have a set of properties looking like this:
>   MultiUse = -1  'True
> Attribute VB_Name = "dclsFrm"
> Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
> Attribute VB_Creatable = False
> Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
> Attribute VB_Exposed = True
> Option Compare Database
> Option Explicit
> Back in the day, I would change vb_Creatable as follows:
>   Attribute VB_Creatable = True
> What this does is allows the class to be stored in an MDS file, then
> reference the MDA and use the class from there.  The vb_Creatable
> propert specifically allows the class to be instantiated using "Dim MyCls
> as new clsXYZ"
> Without the file having the VB_Creatable = true, the class can be seen
> but cannot be instantiated.
> So... I export the class, I edit the file in a text editor setting
> vb_Creatable = true, I reimport it back into the file.  If I export it back
> out, the property has been changed back to VB_Creatable=False.
> And of course, if I reference the library, and try to instantiate the class
> it fails to compile.
> Understand that I have the exact same code in an old MDA file.  If I open
> that mda file WITH Access 2010 and export the class to a text file the
> vb_Creatable is in fact True.
> I am utterly failing to create an MDA file in 2007 file format which allows
> me to do this thing.  I am unable to even truly create an MDA file.  I can
> call it .MDA but the lock file will be .Accdb.
> I can create an Accda file but it too fails to retain the vb_Creatable =
> true, and any file stored in said file will not instantiate.
> This is really basic stuff.  I used it for a decade to store my framework
> and dozens of classes in C2DbFramework, reference the mda file and used "as
> new" syntax.  I no longer can do this.I can't find any reference out on
> google to doing this.  Lots of stuff about these hidden properties of
> classes, most of it wrong, none of it discussing using classes from a
> library file.
> Help me Obi Wan...  Is there an Obi Wan left amongst us?
> --
> John W. Colby
> Colby Consulting
> --
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