[AccessD] is there an app for ththe is?

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon Oct 25 02:55:25 CDT 2021

> I think too if you write your code
> as all functions rather than a combination of functions and
> subroutines (somewhere I read this is even a preferred practice -
> though I don't do it),

I've been doing that as long as I can remember. I don't know when was the last time I wrote 
a Sub other than for a form or control's built in event.  And even then, they are frequently 
just single line Subs which call a function to do the actual work..   Always having a return 
value available makes debugging and error trapping much easier. 

On 25 Oct 2021 at 3:29, Bill Benson wrote:

> Arthur, MZTools has a "Review  Code Quality" feature which are are
> numerous checks, among them something called dead code review. It
> seems they are continuously improving the product but this dead code
> review is one of the many parts I use on a regular basis. I think I
> probably get better usage from it than many because I never declare
> more than one variable on a line. I think too if you write your code
> as all functions rather than a combination of functions and
> subroutines (somewhere I read this is even a preferred practice -
> though I don't do it), MZ Tools will point out not just unused
> variables, but functions which are never called on by other code. Also
> it makes export and import of all modules a breeze, which is not a
> native feature of the VBE.
> I know some VBA developers who given the choice between giving up
> coffee or MZ Tools would choose the former.
> Let us know if you find an even better tool out there.

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