[AccessD] Access 2021 accde (64 bit) incompatible with Access 2013 64 bit

Ryan W wrwehler at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 15:46:45 CST 2022

Good news on some of this. The Access 2016 runtime works with Office 2021 compiled accde files. As long as my references support the OS/Library in question. So I was able to get rid of having to compile on a VM with Access 2013 by moving everything 64 bit up to the 2016 runtime. 

Since 2016 and up are all versioned as “16.0” as long as I don’t use any internal functions in code that don’t exist in older versions I should be ok. 

Now as for my Office 2013 32 bit machines I still have to compile those in a VM. 

At least I’ve eliminated a step! 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 4, 2022, at 3:23 PM, Ryan W <wrwehler at gmail.com> wrote:
> I’m pretty sure they’re SP1. I found some articles regarding that too. 
> They run specialized software for data acquisition so they don’t get updated often and are not online ….  
> I’ll check more on that tomorrow. 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 4, 2022, at 3:15 PM, Stuart McLachlan <stuart at lexacorp.com.pg> wrote:
>> How old are the WIn7 installations?   If they are not at least SP1, they wil only have ADO
>> v6.0, not 6.1 :)
>> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/an-ado-application-does-not-run-on-down-level-op
>> erating-systems-after-you-recompile-it-on-a-computer-that-is-running-windows-7-sp-1-or-win
>> dows-server-2008-r2-sp-1-or-that-has-kb983246-installed-1c59dbe9-62c3-a063-2c48-49487
>> 685df6c
>>>> On 4 Jan 2022 at 13:51, Ryan W wrote:
>>> Turns out the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library was the
>>> culprit.
>>> Even though the file C:\Program Files(X86)\Common
>>> Files\system\ado\msado15.dll exists on the Windows 7 machine, and I
>>> tried regsvr32 to register it (it said it registered) it was just a no
>>> go.
>>> Going down to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library seems to work
>>> for all clients thus far.
>>> On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 1:30 PM James Button via AccessD <
>>> accessd at databaseadvisors.com> wrote:
>>>> Do the files need 'registering' for use  on those machines
>>>> Are they the same version as you have - MDF5 hash value?
>>>> Properties reports the "version" - but as that is a developer input
>>>> value,  that may not actually have been changed when the file
>>>> content did
>>>> JimB
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: AccessD <accessd-bounces+jamesbutton=
>>>> blueyonder.co.uk at databaseadvisors.com> On Behalf Of Ryan W
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 4:40 PM
>>>> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving <
>>>> accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Access 2021 accde (64 bit) incompatible with
>>>> Access 2013 64 bit
>>>> Okay still running into this issue but in a different way:
>>>> Older Windows 7 workstations 64- bit.  Running Office 2013 (32-bit)+
>>>> Access 2013 Runtime (32-bit).  Compiled on Windows Server 2019
>>>> (64-bit OS) + Office 2013 (32-bit)
>>>> Same 2467 error with the JIT classes and the same wonky error with
>>>> my RibbonOpenForm code.   I can run the ACCDB error free, but the
>>>> compiled ACCDE throws errors only on these Windows 7 (64-bit),
>>>> Office 2013(32 bit) machines.
>>>> Since they run the runtime I cannot open the VBA editor to check for
>>>> missing references but the referenced libraries on the development
>>>> machine exist on the workstation in the same physical locations on
>>>> the disk.
>>>> So we're on the same version of Access, same bit-ness but these
>>>> older machines are throwing a tizzy?
>>>> On Wed, Dec 29, 2021 at 7:18 AM Jim Dettman <jimdettman at verizon.net>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> << What´s the skinny on the ODB handling? >>
>>>>> It's in here:
>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/what-s-new-in-access-2019
>>>> -f52c5317-3494-4105-9c56-5a2abb8e0f87
>>>>> about halfway down.
>>>>> Monaco was delayed, but there still have been improvements made
>>>>> to the
>>>>> query editor.  There is now a find and replace feature, and you
>>>>> can directly open a table in either view (data or design), or
>>>>> choose "Size to Fit" in the shortcut menu so you can see the full
>>>>> table name and fields. That´s covered here:
>>>> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/what-s-new-in-access-2021
>>>> -2c5c0766-b22b-4b81-a222-a791a8b5b54b
>>>>> and you can view a demo of those new features here:
>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4xTwmflTcI
>>>>> << The rest I knew about but still find that minimal for 8 years
>>>>> of development time between 2013 and 2021>>
>>>>> There are other things as well, like the graphs and  a lot of
>>>>> minor
>>>>> things you might not notice, like wider clickable areas in some of
>>>>> the UI elements.
>>>>> Access 2016 didn't have much (most of the changes there were not
>>>>> visible), but everything since that has added significant features
>>>>> that
>>>> you
>>>>> do and I would not say they are minimal.
>>>>> Jim.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Ryan Wehler
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 7:53 AM
>>>>> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving <
>>>>> accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
>>>>> Cc: Jim Dettman <jimdettman at verizon.net>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Access 2021 accde (64 bit) incompatible
>>>>> with
>>>> Access
>>>>> 2013 64 bit
>>>>> What´s the skinny on the ODB handling? The rest I knew about but
>>>>> still find that minimal for 8 years of development time between
>>>>> 2013 and 2021. We´ve yet to see the Monaco editor that was
>>>>> promised this year, too.
>>>>> Not sure I call the giant red streak along the top (since 2016?)
>>>>> much of
>>>> a
>>>>> UI refinement. In fact I had users come ask me how to get rid of
>>>>> it already.
>>>>>> On Dec 29, 2021, at 6:18 AM, Jim Dettman via AccessD <
>>>>> accessd at databaseadvisors.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Yes, along with support for DateTime2 in SQL, more robust ODBC
>>>> connection
>>>>>> handling, a new Linked Table Manager, UI refinements, numerous
>>>>> improvements
>>>>>> in the SQL Editor, and quite a number of other things.
>>>>>> Access has not been standing still by any means.
>>>>>> Jim.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: AccessD On Behalf Of Stuart McLachlan
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2021 7:13 PM
>>>>>> To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>>>>>> <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Access 2021 accde (64 bit) incompatible
>>>>>> with
>>>>> Access
>>>>>> 2013 64 bit
>>>>>> One major difference between 2013 and 2021 is the
>>>>>> LargeNumber/BigInt
>>>> data
>>>>>> type
>>>>>> introduced in 2016.
>>>>>>> On 28 Dec 2021 at 8:15, Ryan W wrote:
>>>>>>> Okay fair enough. Your link does say that but Access has been
>>>>>>> so stale on the development front for some time that the
>>>>>>> differences between 2013 and 2021 are minimal AT BEST.
>>>>>>> I've installed Access 2013 64-bit on a VM and compiled it. I
>>>>>>> guess this will have to work for now.
>>>> --
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